What's your hidden talent?

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I can find things that people have lost in their houses. This, however, does not apply to me.

I can ride the mechanical bull and beat most everyone. This comes from years of riding a bucking throughbred. When I was a kid they would stick me on an english saddle with the reins and a strap to hold onto and send us off bucking until she quit. She is finally a nice dressage horse at the young age of 19. (Her mother lived until 39ish)
OOO OOOO me too. :D R

diverlady once bubbled...
Natasha, please predict that I'm going to win the lottery this week!!

please, please, please!!

I have an excellent ability to make complete strangers comfortable around me and to the point they are in tears of laughter..... I have one of those goofy, off the wall, silly sense of humor...

It always backfires on the people who are too serious about life....needless to say, I dont think I have any friends who are like that.

Prompted by the commercial...I had to try it. And I found out that it IS possible to unwrapp a starburst in your mouth...but I can't make a swan..I'll work on that LOL
lol, this is such a loaded question, I'm sure i could mention a few things that would get me kicked off the board, but for the tame stuff i can do the normal talent stuff like tie a cherry stem in a knot, i've done the mechanical bull thing, i can cross stitch. I can make a chicken out of a bar towel and a rose from a cocktail napkin ( i was a bartnder once upon a time).

Oh so I guess the one thing i do that freaks folks out (especially the guy doing my recent x-rays) is i can stand Or lay down and turn my feet compleltey inwards so that they are perfectly facing each other toe to toe and i can walk like that, i can also turn them the other way, heel to heel and walk that way too.

Oh and I can "MacGyver" things to fix them. I'm very . I fixed my friends bikini top when the hook broke, i fixed it with a key ring. lol oh and I am very resoureful too, but those are more like strong points than talents.
I'm working on the money thing. The other day I found $15.00 rolled up in a receipt in the parking lot.
So keep you're fingers crossed I'll let you know when I win big ..oh I'll try for you two also!
RavenC once bubbled...
WELL, UH, I can touch my nose but the rolling thing, I can't. But I can tie cherry stems in a knot with my tongue. Does that count for anything? ;) R

Oh yeah! But only if you are a guy. I've tried that one to no avail. Who knew we had such a talented & diverse group on board?

Oh - I'm always finding money as well - never a lot - couple bucks floating at waters edge, change all over the place. I think it's because I walk with my head down most of the time as I am such a clutz!
well...ummm....on the rolling the tongue thing, and the starburst thing, yes, but....

anyways, LOL, mine seems to be a great sense of direction (I seldome use a compass on land or in the water, and can usually find things)
And mechanical aptitude, I can usually spit-and-bailing-wire fix just about anything! Given a few minutes of looking at something I can usually figure out how it is supposed to work. Comes in real handy when you are a couple of miles or more offshore, and the engine in the boat dies, or the rigging on the sails decides to go "TWANG!!" ;)
DA Aquamaster once bubbled...
I am very good a discovering plot flaws in movies and am even better at pointing them out to my wife during the movie. Her hidden talent is punching me in the shoulder with her bony little knuckles in a way that really hurts.

And tonight my son made it obvious that he has the same talent. I am SO proud. :)

My wife is an expert in hitting some nerve that is practically hidden between the front my shoulder bone and the end of my collerbone with her knuckle with a back-handed slap.

Even a glancing blow hurts like the dickens... and she just smirks. I've been claiming for years that she learned that the day they took all the girls to the gym, but she won't tell. Now I KNOW.


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