What's your hidden talent?

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to put on weight when I am starving myself, lose weight when I eat like a pig.

Cats love me

I can juggle with anything smaller than a bread-bin and bigger than a needle ... on the surface and underwater

I can listen to three conversations at once and precis all of them.
I have this useless ability to completely ruin a perfectly planned evening ..in a single bound!

Plus make my bf completely confused at all times..and not even mean to do it.

and the best...act like a kid...which is pretty cool.
Let's see...hidden talents

I can roll my tongue, tie cherry stems into knots and take the wrappers off of starbursts. Hey with a mouth as big as mine you have to make it useful!

I ballroom dance...used to compete until my partner moved away.

I am published in a barely circulated book that is a collection of amateur poems.

I have more tools than most men and know how to use them. I'm a handy girl to have around...though I do get annoyed with the guys at Sears who want to talk down to me.

I sing constantly, or hum or whistle. Any song I hear, even if it's only once, I'll have the tune. Usually I can pick up the tune about halfway through the song and start humming the rest of the way through.

I'm good at deciphering recipes...when I got out to eat if there is something I really like I can usually figure out how to make it at home without a recipe...and usually I make it better ;)

Not that this is exactly a talent, but I seem to have a knack for meeting the nicest people wherever I go. Which is extremely useful when you travel as much as I do!

I can name any wild plant indigenous to Virginia.

I also have a talent for being hit square in the face during every volleyball match I have ever played at least once. A day playing volleyball is no longer complete anymore until I get hit by a ball!

I can dial a rotary phone with my toes.

My other hidden talents will have to stay hidden...a girl needs to have a little mystery about her! ;)
VaScubaGirl once bubbled...
I'm good at deciphering recipes...when I got out to eat if there is something I really like I can usually figure out how to make it at home without a recipe...and usually I make it better ;)

now THAT is a talent - I'm always going, sure I can make that, but I cant put my finger on that spice! But I can usually come up with something close - if not better! ;)
jepuskar once bubbled...
If the CUBS win the central division in my lifetime, I'll buy a DIR book for everyone on this board.

Hey jep, where's my book?

VaScubaGirl once bubbled...
Let's see...hidden talents

II'm good at deciphering recipes...when I got out to eat if there is something I really like I can usually figure out how to make it at home without a recipe...and usually I make it better ;)

Hmm, you can decipher recipes, huh. Well, I think maybe I need to spot you a meal or two if you can create similar recipes for me. I have a few eating out favorites that I would love to be able to recreate, and "The heart of Virginia" has to be somewhere near Richmond! My wife can cook well, but even she can't often do that, and besides she is still in Georgia for another few months, and I am getting really sick of sandwiches and spaghetti! :D

My only food talent is making Pizza, but that doesn't make sense unless you're feeding at least 5 people. Otherwise, I can follow a recipe and occasionally make a modest change, but trying to copy a meal is just a waste of food. (or a Fear Factor challenge ;) )

As for the Sears guys, there are always men who can't get it through their thick heads that many women like "manly" things. My wife is just as dangerous in Home Depot as me, if not more! If I didn't know it before, watching my stepmother get a bigger grin with every bigger gun (and they got pretty big) she shot over the last several years made that perfectly clear.
I have an incredible capacity for completely useless knowledge...for instance, the phone number of my grade school boyfriend. lol
I am also incredible perceptive, which is definately hidden because I can sometimes intimidate people when I realize something about them they are not ready to accept. For instance, recently I met an older man and we were BSing for about 15 minutes...no serious conversations at all. My friend went to the bathroom and I said to him, "so how long have you been divorced?" he was dumbfounded and asked me how I knew. "it's just one of those things" I said. He asked me what else I could tell him about that, I ended up telling him about how long they were married, why they got divorced and how many kids they had (none). I was right on about everything. It was almost too creepy. Usually I don't tell people these things, and I don't think I'm psychic or anything, cuz I don't believe in that stuff, but it's kind of cool nonetheless to be able to read people really well. :)
Oh yeah, I'm also good at being immature whenever I can. :P
I have long nurtured the ability of being able to call my friends just as they're a) headed out the door, b) getting ready for dinner, or c) a and b. It goes way back to my 2nd oldest brother, who would always come by the house with his wife and kids just as we would sit down to eat.

Also, the ability to make a Roman centurion helmet from an empty Reingold 12 pack carton. Came in handy summer break between sophomore and junior year in college.

And finally, the ability to use a cigarette rolling machine. Helped out in Mexico!!!(when I was young and impressionable, naturally).
I can tell you any early 90's rap song after the first couple seconds of it playing. Some would consider this not a talent, but a curse. ;)

I have the ability to infect any room with laughter, all that needs to happen is for me to laugh.

And last but not least, I am told I have an incredible talent for being one sexy babe!!!

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