What's Your Education Level

What's Your Education?

  • Didn't even grad-e-ate high school

    Votes: 2 1.1%
  • GED

    Votes: 4 2.2%
  • High School diploma

    Votes: 3 1.6%
  • High school diploma and some college - no degree

    Votes: 28 15.4%
  • High school diploma and some trade school education

    Votes: 10 5.5%
  • Bachelor's Degree

    Votes: 61 33.5%
  • Master's Degree

    Votes: 50 27.5%
  • Doctorate

    Votes: 22 12.1%
  • Multiple Degrees (list in post)

    Votes: 16 8.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 13 7.1%

  • Total voters

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I suddenly feel very inadequate can somebody please recommend a good diploma mill!:confused:
There is education and "education" !!!

I have a BFA in Fine Art, painting and drawing, a BBA in Marketing and an MBA in management and am certified as a Certified Quality Engineer by the American Society for Quality. So much for my formal education.

My real education took place durning my participation in the Sunny Southeast Asian War Games and additionally, after that, as I drove city buses in Washington, D.C. for a year or two . . . that was interesting ! ! ! :11:


I don't put a lot of stock in degrees. Ya can hang a piece of paper up on your wall but still not be able to pour pee out of a boot with directions on the heel.

We have a couple of generations with lots of paper but very little critical thinking skills.

OK, I'll get off my soap box now . . .

the K
The Kraken:
There is education and "education" !!!

I don't put a lot of stock in degrees. Ya can hang a piece of paper up on your wall but still not be able to pour pee out of a boot with directions on the heel.

the K
I agree with this sentiment to a great extent. There are some degrees where it doesn't matter what you learned but rather how your learned. If in your pursuit of education (formal or not) you learned critical thinking, how to research, how to deliver on time and how to impress, you will have some very usable skills.

For me it was ..
Started in a one room red brick schoolhouse in the farmlands north of Toronto. (6 grades .. one teacher.)
Scotland & Canada grade schools .. learned a lot of stuff
California HS .. what was that about?
Associates in Engineering .. not trying
BS Environmental Engineering .. trying more
MS Engineering .. more fun
MBA .. will this really help .. (no, well maybe)
Travel .. the BEST education by far!
I do enjoy having experienced all of the nuances of the different professors I've had. My primary professor in my BBA/Mktg. studies left me with one wonderful thought as I received my very final paper from him after it had been graded.


He hands me my final paper back. On the outside he has written and circled with red pen (99).

WHAT THE ? ? ? ? ? ?

And underneath the grade he had inscribed this little admonition . . .

"Dear Mr. ___, there is one thing I want you to remember, always . . .
No matter how well you've done something, you could have done it just a little bit better."

At the time, I thought he was the world's consumate jackazz . . . but now?

The wisest of words came from the wisest of teachers, my father, and they were . . .

"BOY ! ! ! ! What the hell were ya thinkin !?!?!?!?!?!?!"
the K
BSc Computing Science (really an applied math degree back then) and an LLB early 80's - odd combination that opened a bunch of interesting doors.
haha I feel sooo silly.
I'm graduating high school on June 21st!

Then in the fall I start at La Salle University double majoring in French and Political Science. Go explorers!
AA in Chemistry, followed by BS in Chemical Engineering
Plenty of the 'hard knocks' working my way through school(s) in the 80's economy
So, knowledge from the end user's perspective, decent business sense and mastery of the 80/20 rule separate me from my 'peers' with MBA's in the corporate terrariums and the specialized experts in my area of employment
Best classified as 'Generalist"

Smartest thing I ever did - marrying well . . .:D
A Bachelor's and Master's degree from music conservatory. Trade school, essentially. I can now actually play my way out of a paper bag.
driftin' by:
It's all alphabet soup. Mine BSBA-MIS Sam M. Walton College of Business Univeristy of Arkansas, Fayetteville. Go HOGS!

love those 2 pics from CZM June '07.......lol....Must be doing some pre-pre dive planning there.......btw, GEAUX TIGERS...........
High School
"Tech" School (CompSci)
Some "courses" in various computer related stuff like ACCESS, VB, Excel, VMS System Admin, etc.
BS in Management
Massachusetts Criminal Justice Training Council graduate (Police Academy)
LFI graduate
SIGArms graduate
Peregrine Corporation
CQC/Ronin graduate
former NRA certified instructor
former ASLET member
former OCAT instructor

ding ding ding......we have a winner..........good going......

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