what's up with weight keepers?

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New York City
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50 - 99
I was looking to get some weight keepers on Dive Rite Express and I got confused by the variety (reminds me of the cereal isle in the supermarket). Plastic, SS, cerated, and somewhere else I saw clip-on (it doesn't get threaded by the webbing). I even saw one that makes ice cream (or did I dream that?).

When would someone use cerated? Are clip-ons a good idea? How about plastic?

My uses will be the usual - keep lead from sliding around on the belt; keep 2" D-rings in place.

Serrated are good if the webbing you use is not quite thick enough to keep the keeper
from sliding.

Plastic breaks ... do not use plastic.

I'd also suggested not using a keeper that "clips on" .. use a keeper that slides on
and it will stay in place.

And while I am expressing my opinion ... avoid plastic weight belt buckles; plastic breaks.
stainless steel all the time...just less hassle, i would just go with the vanilla ss ones...they should work fine..
Seinfeld does scuba:

"What's up with the weight keepers??"

I agree on the plan vanilla steel ones, but you've already decided on them :wink:
What's up with weight keepers? They have practically no weight, and they don't really KEEP anything. If anything they're GIVERS. They give you a D-ring to clip things to; and they give you a sturdy lead weight right where you want it. We should call them Light Givers.

...sigh, I tried, J.

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