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southern california
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0 - 24
hey everyone,
I'm new to diving and scuba board. i signed up for my o/w cert class at a place in santa ana called Open Water Habitat and i know the place has been there for a long time. it is visible from the 5 freeway and i was just wondering if anyone had any feedback on this dive shop or the course offered there. I think my instructors name is Gary and i have talked to him about alot of stuff and he seems very knowledgeable. I live in orange and am taking the class with a friend but quite honestly i don't know how reliable of a dive buddy he will be so hopefully once certified i can meet some new people to have more diving opportunities. If anyone has any locations that are good for scuba but also snorkel friendly, id like to scout some places out before i am certified. I was thinking about going down to Crystal cove but yeah, any recommendations will be greatly appreciated. thanks guys.
hey Chris, glad to see that you dropped on down to the BeachCrabs.... no worries, after you get your "c-card" we will give all the opportunities to get wet and continue your education while having fun. Sorry don't know anything about Open Water Habitat. But as far as a snorkle and SCUBA place the favorite spot is on Catalina @ Casino Point.
Welcome to our fourm :D Im not sure of spots down that far. But you came to the right place.
Welcome to The Beach Crabs!!!!

It is great to see you in here. You are doing the right thing, before getting certified. Asking questions. Anything that you want to know, just ask away.:wink:

If you have some time Sat, you should come to The SoCal Dive-In at Vet's Park in Redondo. This event is for divers and their families. There are going to be a huge crowd there, so there will be plenty opportunities to meet some future buddies, eat some good food, and listen to some really great guest speakers!

Congratulations on choosing to get certified, and welcome to the SoCal dive community.

Enjoy your open water class we all look forward to diving with you when you get it

What Aly said...

Welcome aboard.

Look forward to seeing you out on one of the BC dives once you complete your OW.

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