After reading the really bad experiences and stories in "Naked Surprise", I was thinking maybe we could give these guys some positive pointers... :kiss2:
What's the nicest or most memorable compliment you've ever received?
Oh I am SO sitting down for this....
I need help with this. If I *do* take the risk to try complimenting someone then I generally go for the honesty approach. However, for some reason it usually falls flat.
I guess I either say the wrong things, deliver it wrong, get my timing wrong, or totally misjudge how it will affect the person receiving. The only way I really know how to deal with people is to speak my mind so the other person knows exactly where they stand with me but more often than not what *I* thought was a compliment gets mangled in teh translation and comes across like some kind of stupid awkward come-on, which inevitably embarrasses me and makes me want to back-peddle, which makes the bumbling even worse than it already was until I just say "forget it. I'm sorry. Just forget it, I wasn't even here..". This can EVEN happen if the only thing I said is "I like you".
I'm so hopeless at it. It's not even funny. At this point I'd much *rather* just act aloof and disinterested but if I like someone then there's always going to be some moment when my aloof-o-meter is turned off and I say it without thinking about it and embarrass myself again. *sigh*
Anyway enough whining about this in public.
I got a really memorable compliment from someone once, all the more so because I thought she might have meant it.
We were on a date (this was a long time ago....) and she kept looking away from me when she was talking. I thought she wasn't interested in me so I asked her if she would rather leave and do something else (IIRC we were in a cafe drinking coffee). She said "HUH?" so I told her "Well, you're avoiding eye contact so I'm guessing you're not comfortable"
and her response was "No, that's not it. It's just when I look at your eyes when I'm talking I forget what I was trying to say".
That was good.