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I don't see the problem. I typically have left over gifts from Christmas shopping. Would your friends complain if they did not get their old spice and fruitcake? You could donate some money to Markfm so he can get another ear for his dog. lol
You don't have to tell them you were going to give them tickets. that way, any money you give them is a windfall. I'll be happy with my share!!!:wink:
Wait a second... for a moment, y'all had me thinking my moral compass was pointing permanently south...

If I was buying a Christmas gift for a friend, it would have been something other than a $1 Lottery ticket with a 1 in a gazillion shot at winning, anyway!
How about giving them the choice? Call them up and tell them you have a couple lottery tickets and a couple football tickets (50 yard line, playoffs) and that you wern't sure which they would prefer. So long as you dont mention that they are winners, Im pretty sure they would lean towards the game...and TA-DA, you're rich, guilt free, and off on a 18 month diving vacation!!!
If you have not given the ticket to them then its still yours enjoy!!!!

If you had given it to them, but its still in your possession TAKE THE CASH AND KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!!!!

hello? Thank you very much. My sentiments exactly.

If you have not GIVEN it yet, what's the problem? Intention? Come on Colin, you are making me crazy.

Like I said, if you gave it to them already, then you have a moral obligation to hand it over. I think you guys need me. How about my own forum?

This is an easy breezy one. We need a more challenging one Jenny.

how would you know which friend was supposed to have gotten it?
ah, fairy, you are such an excellent critical thinker, I missed that point.

Yea, isn't a lottery ticket kinda of a RICKY BOBBY? Christmas gift? What would Jesus do? Not a lottery ticket....

I really loved that movie. When he insists on praying to Baby Jesus...I could relate. I don't think you are supposed to pray for money though. (or the lottery)
If they had all been losers, would you still have gifted the tickets to your friends? Do whatever you want and can live with. If it happened to me, I think I would present each of them with a very special gift and an explanation of what happened. Real friends will appreciate it.
the key here is ... You intended to give them tickets, but did not give them.
... so which friend would have one?
I think in all truth, I would give each friend a goodly sum of money, I dunno, 200,000? or ? (fair would be to split it evenly) and try to live with my conscious that would bug me about how much I gave to each and was it enough .

... thinking about it bugs me, I may just do the "split it evenly" just so it doesn't
Add a little more to the mix. 5 people were the intended recepients of the lottery tickets, one to each person. (not scratch off). Oh, and this was not the only gift they were receiving. (you really are not THAT cheap)
1. Your aging parents who you will suppport in their final years unless they have a windfall of some sort.
2. Brother who is not financially responsible.
3. Friends who are broke and struggling to make ends meet.
4. Friends who have plenty of $$ and are financially secure.
5. Best friend who has been there by your side through thick and thin.
If you were to split and looking at that list I would rank as follows

1,5,3, the buyer of the ticket, 4 and then if something is left over 2...

after thought...if you split it would the taxes be less?
Nothing breaks up a friendship faster than $. Or maybe sex too. But I think $ comes first.

The $20mil, even after taxes, is going to buy you a lot of both. Keep it.

Ooops. did I say that?:eyebrow:

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