What to wear under 7/5 wetsuit?

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scubagrrl06, thanks for the local info. I really hope my instructor doesn't give me a hard time about wearing my 7/5 because I really think it's going to be enough. I would rather be cold than hot, and since we're only doing 2 dives per day, how cold can I possibly get in a 7/5 on a checkout dive? I'll found out soon since I'm supposed to meet with him at 5 today to get all my gear together.

And since I'm a girl, no worries about speedos! My swimsuit is very plain and ordinary and doesn't show too much. :wink: I'll bring a warm shirt to go over it during the SI if I get chilly.

Are you going to the meet and greet at Gilboa on the 23rd?
No problem I'm glad I could help.

No I'm not able to go to the meet on the 23rd because my parents decided to come to town that day and since I don't see them that often I thought it might be rude to say sorry I'm going diving :)

I hope to meet some of the group at some point. Probably next year. With purchasing my own equipment this year I didn't get an early start. Was the end of July before we were able to actually start going to the quarries on a regular basis.

Can I ask who are you certifying through? I did mine through Sub Aquatics.
Oh, sorry you won't be there, but yeah, I guess that would be rude to tell the folks you were ditching them!

I did my certification with Central Ohio School of Diving, David Roesch. I'd heard good and bad things about Sub Aquatics, not to mention they were on the opposite side of town from me when COSD was very convenient. So far I've been fairly happy with my training except for a few minor things. After reading about all the horrible new divers people encounter I feel like I've been trained well enough to at least not post-worthy! We'll find out after this weekend though. Diving outside the pool could be challenging I suppose. :)

Do you dive with a significant other as your buddy? DH will most likely be diving with me, but I think I may be more *into it* than him so I may have to hook up with others occasionally which is why I'm looking forward to the meet & greet.
I've heard good things about COSD also. When I first started checking into getting certified I looked into them. I lived in Dublin at the time and it was very convenient. But now I'm further south and since, DBF who lives close to Sub A, I chose there. Plus he belongs to their TA dive club and knew a few of the instructor's etc.

I'm the same as you I'm "more into it" than my BF is, however he has gone everywhere I wanted to go and done all the dives I've wanted to do. He even said he would have never gone to Aruba if I hadn't wanted to go but he knew I wanted to so we went. He's pretty hooked now too. It's funny because he certified about 3 years before I did with some friends but never did anything with it. I told him that was something I always wanted to do and got my certification later. Now I'm dragging him to quarries almost every weekend.

I'm going to check out Nelson's Ledges this weekend. I have to be up in that area for a canoe convention that my dad is involved in and since we have several hours available during the day Saturday we figured we might as well use the time diving.

Let me know how your check out goes. I'll be anxious to hear. Haven't had a chance to meet any of the local SB'ers and would like to do that some time.
Two words: Compression shorts. I like those...
It always makes me chuckle when I see people from nice warm-water climates freak out about 50 degree water...here in the midwest, that's 3mm territory! :)

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