What to carry on plane beside reg's

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I would like to get an opinion on what else besides my reg's to carry on the plane with me.

First thought that comes to mind is my computer (of course) but how about my dive light (UK LightCanon)? Any effects of flying with something like the HID bulb (pressure)?

The obvious reason to carry on the LightCannon is the rough treatment that luggage gets by baggage handlers.

Thanks in advance for any and all input.

I have one cary on and one brief case

Cary on is a pelican case which houses;

Two HID light heads, cord and canister tops.
One spare bulb for above
Two VR3 computers
One Vitek computer
Transmitter for above
Two OMS bottom timers
One US Divers Monitor II computer

Brief case carries;
Lap top
Underwater digital camera [housing, stobe, etc are in the checked luggage]
enough supplies to live in an airport for 24 hours
DVD's or CD's to watch or play on my lap top
My carry-on has my mask, reg, computer, camera, strobe, swimsuit, and usually a t-shirt (acts as padding).
I carry my reg and a change of clothes and that's it. The less I carry on, the less hassles.

I was reading the other day that with the souped up xray machines for checked baggage that unexposed film in cameras are not getting messed up. So when I hop the plane here in a couple of weeks I will probably carry on my rolls of film as well.
DivePartner1 wrote...
Has anyone had any trouble within the last year carrying on gear such as regulators, computers or drysuits?
No, to all three. The backplate and regs did get a close, curious inspection at one airport, but that was all.
There's no doubt that I'm unusual (for more reasons than just this) but I've been packing everything since last November. I got tired of looking like some kind of airborn third world geek-refugee a long time ago, humping my ever-expanding stash of "gotta carry" items and, after 9/11, I got tired of the time and aggravation caused by the security searches of carry-on items. I decided to start packing everything that I wasn't going to need during the travel phase and haven't looked back. The security checks have relaxed considerably since last fall and so have I.

I carry on a change of clothing, some basic toiletries, a book and my travel documents in a duffel as carry-on. Everything else goes in a couple of big black plastic (Pelican) boxes with my name stenciled on the side and two heavy-duty padlocks to go on each of them. I will admit to splitting stuff up - not all the regulators or computers go in the same box, for instance.

Maybe it's because my luggage doesn't look touristy-normal (it's also hard to confuse on the carousel) or maybe it's because it's sturdy as hell and well secured, but in 30+ years of air travel - something like 400 - 500 trips, I've had luggage lost exactly once and had it delayed by more than a couple of hours on only a couple of occasions. In 11 trips with luggage since I started packing everything (including two international) I've not had any problems.

It's a risk, but there are substantial benefits to lightening the load, too!

reefraff wrote...
There's no doubt that I'm unusual (for more reasons than just this) but I've been packing everything since last November.

It's a risk.....
Do you carry gear insurance?
I carry all my equipment in a carry on. Never had any trouble. Coming back from Cozumel, security did have me remove all the batteries from the dive lights and place them in the checked bag.
metridium once bubbled...

Do you carry gear insurance?

Yes, I have DEPP coverage, but not everything is insured - just too expensive/not cost effective. My homeowners insurance also provides some coverage, but I'd be loath to ever file a claim.

So far I've never had to make a claim. The one time that the airline lost my luggage was a domestic skiing trip, so the airline replaced most of the stuff the next day. Interestingly enough, the luggage did surface a couple of weeks later. One of the delayed deliveries was a dive trip, I was able to rent the gear that I needed for an afternoon until the luggage showed up.

One additional thought: packed properly, I think that sensitive gear is less likely to be damaged as checked luggage than as carry-on.


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