What system to get?

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I am an old retired navy diver. Rebreathers are it but am sticking to rec limits now for the most part and want to take up photography. Any recomendations on what to buy. You guys have posted some oustanding pics, the clarity is mind blowing. Please post the gear you use....

thanks so much
You have three ways to go and you'll have to do your homework: First, the 35 mm SLR camera such as the Nikon N65 put into a housing. This is where you'll need to do some research for what you want in a good housing. You need to take into account control readability and ease in making settings UW, balance, etc. Second, digital camera and housing - do your homework because there are both pros and cons on going digital for UW. (for the purest, more cons than pros) Third, the Nikonos V 35mm camera. No housing required - takes excellent UW and topside picts. That's my preference. Before I went video, I used this camera for years and came up with some great shots. With single or double strob arms, it's easy to handle and easy to adjust. Lenses change out with ease. I would recommend a 28mm or wider lens No matter what camera you use. Hope this gets you started.

how good are you at photography?

how much do you want to spend?

if you went digital would you need to buy any other computer equipment?

starting out i would disagree with barracuda2, as with 35mm be it the N65 (or similar) or the V (5) you will unless you are lucky and good you will waste a lot of film for just 1 picture (development costs are expensive)

with digital you get instant feed back on the picture, you can also snap away to your hearts content on land (getting used to the camera) and it not cost you a peny to view your pictures.

once you get a picture you like you can head on down to wallmart (asda for us) stick the memory card in their digital lab machine and it prints the picture on the same machine used for 35mm's.

there are some cheap options out there for digital but also some expensive ones.

Olympus seem to be the mosr popular on here and you will see hundreds of good quality photo's.

check my site for a small sample of these.

I am looking at upgrading to the oly 5050 now so i will sell my Oly C3040 and pt010 case and the Oly C920 and case to help fund this.
First you'll need to make several decisions....

What kind of photos do you expect...snapshots or frameable prints.? Your choice here will effect all other choices. If you only want snapshots to remember a dive to put in an album to show your friends and neighbors, then a cheap film camera will suffice. If you only want pictures to share via e-mail, make screen savers, etc. then a cheap 1-2 megapixel digital would suffice. With a film camera, you'd have to scan the prints first or pay to have them put on disk when you had them processed. If you want photos like you've seen posted here and you want to print them at 8x10 to hang on your wall, you'll need a minimum of 3mp and preferrably 4mp or higher. I know several pro photographers selling their work who use a 4mp camera. Or you'll need a dedicated underwater film camera with multiple expensive lenses. Or a housed SLR camera with extra lenses.

Budget? Keep in mind the old saying is true...you get what you pay for. And your expectations will effect this. Buy the very best you can afford.

Film or digital? This may tie into your budget. Alot of us have gone to digital from a film experience. I know of no one who has gone back to film! There are pros and cons to both systems and each side has it's fans who swear theirs is best!

One of the biggest advantages of digital is there is no film cost. You have a memory card...this is your 'film' that is re-usable. There also is no processing costs. I no longer have to spend $200 AFTER a dive trip to have 20 rolls of film developed...half of which went into the trash! With digital, you see your shots as you take them and you have the option to keep that shot or taken it again making corrections. As a result almost all your photos are keepers. The memory cards are getting cheaper every day. I recently paid $25 for 128mg SM cards that would have cost me $90 a few months ago. And it's reusable. That same $25 would have bought me 7-8 rolls of film for one time use.

Another advantage to digital is they are more light sensative than film cameras, the lens is more sensitive, allowing you to take photos in lower light conditions without a strobe. The internal flash is very powerful and will do until you feel the need for a strobe or until a strobe fits into your budget.

I won't get into a film vs digital quality argument here because both sides think we're right! :eek:ut: But I will say that I have made 11x14" prints from my 4mp camera that look awsome hanging on the wall or close-up!

First you need to do a search in this forum for new cameras or starter cameras, etc. There has been a wealth of info already shared on the subject....several times! Things that may not be repeated again so it's worth searching for.

Personally I use an Olympus C-4040 digital in an Oly PT-10 housing. I use a S&S YS90DX strobe and occasionally add a S&S wide angle lens. You'll find alot of Olympus users. You may also want to look at the Canon S-series of camera and Canon also makes their own housing. These are the two most popular choices for digitals. Sony sort of brings up the rear with fewer choices.
Thanks all

dee I think I will do some more research on the Olympus. By the way looked at some of your pics, very nice.

If I can answer any questions for you, just let me know.
Excellent site! Thanks for posting it, Clive. I saw it several months ago but didn't save it and could remember how i found it. I've been hunting it ever since!
check this site [URL=http://www.camerasunder...

thanks clive that is exactly what I needed.

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