I have one. It's a jewel. But it's a totally different animal.
I like the Mk2 because it's so simple and straightforward. I like the inline radial hose layout. But it's heavy. In Titanium it could probably chug on forever.
The Mark 2 Evo in DIN configuration is awfully small and hardly heavy. The yoke/knob weighs more than the regulator casting. If there were a titanium Mark 2 (with titanium DIN and A clamp) I would run, not walk to my nearest Scubapro pirate store and lay my bounty on the table for one

Please Scubapro, please give us one titanium travel regulator. I know y'all like to build sturdy overbuilt stuff that lasts three lifetimes and cost more money than my credit card (wife) will allow but just one please, one little bitty titanium Mark 2 or give us back the Mark 11 titanium.