What newbies should know about our arguments

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NetDoc once bubbled...
The jib was not designed to promote the exchange of ideas, but rather to promote his own agenda: that DIR divers are fanatacal and narrow minded people.

He doesn't seem to ask a question to try and understand... only to provoke. He knows how to hit their hot buttons and does it rather cosistently.

He generates discussion. A discussion board would be pretty boring without discussion. He certainly furthers DIR's agenda as he furthers his own.

And if someone lets their hot buttons be pushed, who's fault is that? Especially when they should see him coming by now. He's created an entire thread about himself, without even trying. He must be dancing a jig.

And besides, his views are not inaccurate, in some cases. :)
We should be able to discuss anything without insults and attacks.
and I would like to take this opportunity to point out that there is a "Report this post to a Moderator" link at the bottom of every post. If you feel that the line has been crossed, then by all means hit the tab and then be very precise as to what was said and why it offends you. We hate to use the :censor: button, but we will do whatever is needed to keep the board user friendly and free from threats & insults.

That doesn't mean you have to agree with everyone, or are not allowed to voice your disagreement emphatically. It doesn't mean that you have to like everyone here either... it does mean that you must show a modicum of respect while you are here. -
Custer once bubbled...

He generates discussion. A discussion board would be pretty boring without discussion. He certainly furthers DIR's agenda as he furthers his own.

And if someone lets their hot buttons be pushed, who's fault is that? Especially when they should see him coming by now. He's created an entire thread about himself, without even trying. He must be dancing a jig.

Most certainly!

Dude, you should have put one of these in behind the "jig" comment.


The internet has always been a place that offers an imunity to individuals who use it. I have seen a lot of bravado used on the net I think because the other person isnt sitting acrossed the table from us with the ability to reach out and touch someone.....so to speek. I believe that we should all comunicate as if we were in the same room with the other guy, I am sure that it would be a little bit different type of chat. Respect comes from a recognition of a persons good traits, or at times just plain good sence. I have jumped in the water probably as many times if not more than a lot of folks here and I for one dont like feeling as if someone is shaking his or her finger in scorn at me for the way I conduct myself in the water. So the method of delivery is as important as the message......Be Cool.
Dyno Bill once bubbled...
The internet has always been a place that offers an imunity to individuals who use it. I have seen a lot of bravado used on the net I think because the other person isnt sitting acrossed the table from us with the ability to reach out and touch someone.....so to speek. I believe that we should all comunicate as if we were in the same room with the other guy, I am sure that it would be a little bit different type of chat. Respect comes from a recognition of a persons good traits, or at times just plain good sence. I have jumped in the water probably as many times if not more than a lot of folks here and I for one dont like feeling as if someone is shaking his or her finger in scorn at me for the way I conduct myself in the water. So the method of delivery is as important as the message......Be Cool.

Fair enough, however...

Respect is earned.

Not deserved, demanded, or required.
Yah, after looking at the initial post I agree...inflammatory...and you're probably right about his intentions.

I'm just saying that we don't have to respond in like kind. I'm as guilty as the next guy for gettin' my dander up on occasion... like when Walter and I go toe to toe on the PADI thing. But usually I try to carefully word what I write so that it doesn't tick off anyone. Sometimes I slip up and fire away and other times no matter how careful I am someone misunderstands and gets bent. But that's my fault and I'm the one that looses when it happens. Attacking someone or making inflammatory remarks is no way to get a point across...well not if you're trying to be convincing.

I say ignore the shot across the bow and try to make your best argument on a higher road... or just leave it alone. It takes two to tangle...right?

...time for a re-read of that Gerry Spence book siitin' on the shelf.

GQMedic once bubbled...

Doing It NAKED

Yeah, I am up for that

That reminds of something that happened to my girlfriend and i several years ago in Coz. We were diving along, minding our own business and along comes this dude, by himself, swimming like crazy to catch us.

I thought .... whatever dude, it was Coz after all, and continued to enjoy our dive. Several minutes later i noticed he was still along side us but was now turned toward and looking at us.

Then i saw what the big or should i say little deal was. The guy was swimming in his birthday suit. Well needless to say i started laughing my arse off because; one, he was in his birthday suit and two, his wiggler was nothing to be proud of.

I came closer to drowning that day than any day before or after. :D

That wasn't you was it GQ? :wink:
Custer once bubbled...

Fair enough, however...

Respect is earned.

Not deserved, demanded, or required.

Nope. Wrong.

Everyone deserves respect until they do something to lose it.

If we followed your reasoning, we would treat all strangers poorly because they haven't earned our respect.

'course... with a name like Custer, I'd be a little leary myself :)
AquaBob once bubbled...

Nope. Wrong.

Everyone deserves respect until they do something to lose it.

If we followed your reasoning, we would treat all strangers poorly because they haven't earned our respect.

'course... with a name like Custer, I'd be a little leary myself :)

Nope. Wrong.

There's a difference between courtesy and respect.

It's nice to be courteous to others, but respect isn't free.

While this doesn't mean one needs to be disrespectful, until you know someone, how can you tell if they're worthy of respect?


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