Eh, I aint no spring chicken either, and have learned a few things over the years. Bad weather comes every year, like it of not, so you better prepare for it. I own only 4x4 vehicles, when I buy them, I have lockers front and rear installed, and keep good tires on them at all times. Now here's the trick to driving in bad weather. ...Use you fool head, and behave yourself. Unless you own a tracked vehicle, there is no magic car that is going to be "THE" superior being in snow and ice. They all have their limits. It's a CAR. It's the loose nut behind the wheel making the decisions not the car brain or whatever it is. Just like diving, poor decisions net bad results. But good gear and knowledge of It's use can make the experience a hell of a lot more fun. Except for my 32 year old CJ-Jeep, all my vehicles have ABS, and I find it useful in all weather conditions. The lockers on both ends keep the tires digging like monsters on and off road, and good tires provide pretty good traction in most conditions. Thoughtful driving, knowing the limits of a motor vehicle, and understanding that It's not a magic carpet has kept me out of weather related accidents, up to this point anyway, so I guess something is working OK.