Yes, you were experiencing the effects of Nitrogen Narcosis. Everyone get's "narc'd" when they dive. Sometimes it effects you worse than other times. Hyperventilating only makes things worse. Ascending to a shallower depth helps. I've had the same sensations and it is not pleasant. Ascending will reduce the level of narcosis. If you are wearing a wet suit (front zipper) unzip it a bit. It may not really help, but it makes me feel less constricted, so psychologically, it helps me.
Scott had a great explanation in his post. And yes, you can dive that deep on air, but the narcosis will be severe, especially if you aren't used to diving deep.
You did the right thing to ascend and relax.
Yes, you were experiencing the effects of Nitrogen Narcosis. Everyone get's "narc'd" when they dive. Sometimes it effects you worse than other times. Hyperventilating only makes things worse. Ascending to a shallower depth helps. I've had the same sensations and it is not pleasant. Ascending will reduce the level of narcosis. If you are wearing a wet suit (front zipper) unzip it a bit. It may not really help, but it makes me feel less constricted, so psychologically, it helps me.
Scott had a great explanation in his post. And yes, you can dive that deep on air, but the narcosis will be severe, especially if you aren't used to diving deep.
You did the right thing to ascend and relax.