What is your opinion on Force Fins?

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I've seen a lot of advertising on Force Fins and recently read an article on the Force Fin web site (The Truth About Dive Fins).

Are Force Fins really as good as the advertising? Does anyone have Force Fins? I do mostly open water and drift diving. I don't penerate wrecks or cave diving so how much they stir up silt is not a concern for me.

Can anyone spell "troll"?

I've tried Force Fins. They really aren't all that good, IMO. They do allow folks who have a bicyle kick to dive more efficiently without correcting their technique, but they would be ever more efficient if they simply fixed their technique and stayed with conventional fins.
Every fin design, no matter how different, will have someone it is right for.

Conversely, no single fin design is right for everyone. Try before you buy.

All the best, James
I've tried Force Fins. They really aren't all that good, IMO. They do allow folks who have a bicyle kick to dive more efficiently without correcting their technique, but they would be ever more efficient if they simply fixed their technique and stayed with conventional fins.

I am glad that you put the DISCLAIMER "IMO" on that.
1) a "bicycle" kick is the kick that you can't use with ForceFins, as flexing the fin on the downstroke is how you activate them, which a bicycle does not have
2) the best kick for ForceFins is a true swimmers straight legged kick, not the bent knee kick that most conventional fins use.

After diving Forcefins for over 10 years and close to 1000 or more dives, I have found they are simply the best fin on the market and their limitations in Recreational Scuba diving are few and far inbetween. They can out run the fastest Apollo or Atomic Splits, they have better control than the Quattros, they keep working even if you break the heel strap, and you'll likely NEVER cramp with them on.

I have lent mine to over a dozen divers over the years, and without exception, if they used them for more than 4 dives, each of them purchased a pair for themselves and one guy is yet to return them some 5 years later. I have only had 1 diver use them and not buy them, and he used them for about 5 minutes and said he couldn't feel them, I tried to convince him that not "feeling" them is a good thing, but... oh well.

As far as my opinions, just swap over to the FF thread and do some reading, I have reviewed almost every fin in the Prime Line and posted my results and comments. Check out

As for efficiency, the ForceFin original and the Pro was tested back in 1993 in a US Navy Sponsored test, which was later classified because "is likely to cause substantial harm to Force Fins competitors". Some of censored results, comparing only to the closest competitors is on the FF website. Plain and simple, they were the most physiologically efficient fins they had ever tested, which is why the following people use them
John Chatterton
Jean-Michel Cousteau and his entire Ocean Adventures Dive Team
Jonathan Bird
Hal Watts
the majority of Navy Seals
Japan's, South Korea's, and many other countries divers and special ops forces.
commercial divers and hundreds (of thousands) of regular divers the world over
I have to agree with meesier42 on several points.

Although I don't like the feel personally, when I have used them I was able to accelerate more quickly than with any paddle split fin I've tried. And running a dive shop gave a bit of exposure to other fins.

My fiance swears by them. I mainly swear at them. These fins are definitely a "try then buy" item. If you like them, you will most likely LOVE them. If you don't, you'll probably know very quickly.

But get a hold of a pair and try them.
I did, but it really wasn't necessary. This type of thread is all about opinions.

Good point and I completely agree

I thought I would add one more thing, since I see that you (OP) are in Toronto, I am guessing that means GreatLakes diving and other cold water diving, then if you are like me, the ocassional escape to the warm tropics once or twice a year. The ForceFin foot pocket is the only one that I have seen that I can (and do) use with my Drysuit boots, 3mm wetsuit booties, and barefoot with one pair of fins. Just keep a pair (or 2) of the Comfort Insteps about and I can fit them to the situation.

... not to mention they pack easier and are much lighter than most

of course, there is also the SD-1 and the adjustable footpockets that will do the same thing as well, but again, just more advantages of the FF design
Saying "are force fins good" is like asking "is food good". The force fin line is much larger than the original force fin these days. Some people who do not like the original fin have tried some of the newer models and found them more to their liking.

Ultimately it is like any other piece of dive gear. Does it work for you and do you feel comfortable in the situations you dive in?

Disclaimer: I have never tried their fins but I do notice they work their butts off on trying to make people happy. People had issues with the original fin for their type of diving, so FF make the Excellerating Fin with those kinds of people testing them.

If you like the fin, and you don't mind the price, that is all that matters.

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