They say it more eloquently in the DAN article, but after delivery you are going to be (a) very sore for a few days or a few weeks (depending upon mode of delivery), and (b) very tired for a few months - it is astonishingly draining getting up every couple of hours to feed a baby. The almost universal choice of recreational activity for new mothers who find unexpected free time is to take a nap.
All power to you if you have the energy to strap on a tank and go down, but I wouldn't book anything just yet.
The only comment I'd throw in on the breast feeding is that, certainly in the early days, things are going to be very tender to pressure. My wife did not breast feed for very long, so I don't know if/when that ceases to be the case, but again, you are probably not going to feel much like standing up in a BCD with a tank on your back for a while.