What is the Number 1# Scuba destination?

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is McDs, yet most know it's not the best place to eat food. It may be the most visited because there are those that need a pit stop, or just a break from driving distances. For some, Coz has the night life, for some (like me), I like the quiet......no phones, no big parties. I like diving, the reef, the creatures. Some go to Grand Cayman to enjoy the busy beach. I like the quiet of Little Cayman or the Brac. T & C is a quiet place as well. What's the best? It's a individual thing, maybe you like wrecks, and then again maybe you hate cold water. :rolleyes:

Dive Safe,
Seadog, do you know anything about Scuba Adventures owned by the Abernathys in WPB? I've been looking at their site and contemplating some diving there in late May or early June.
to add to my post... I am not saying it is the best diving because that is matter of interpretation and personal preference but what will be the #1 destination in terms of atracting people...

As soon as You see any dive destination become #1 in any poll watch for the diving quality to deteriorate significantly over the next couple of years. Think about it. A #1 rating means the most divers, which also means the most nightlife (if that's important to you), the most fishing, the most traffic, and the most pollution. The reefs, walls and surrounding waters will all show "wear" as a result of it, quickly. I remember diving Grand Cayman's north wall 20 years ago. It was awesome! Huge schools of tarpon, sharks, and rays all stick in my memory. GC diving went downhill over a 3-5 year period, just as prices went up. The result: smaller fish, smaller schools, more boats and then the real cattle cars started. What's a cattle car? 18-20 divers all dropped off in the same spot at the same time. A #1 rating means CROWDS. Not that there is anything wrong with that, IF that is what You want. The more divers that are in the water, the more bubbles, the more noise, and the lower quality dive experience you will have. But..... You'll have a great selection of drinking and dancing places at night! :D
Reckon it would av to be the Similans on Thailand's west coast. Haven't found anywhere (yet) that beats it for its combination of viz, variety and no's of life, cost and the friendliness of the Thai people.
Bora Bora, Tahiti. Great dives there. Plenty of fish, eels, turtles and ton of lemon, white tip, black tips sharks all the time! The most memorible dive I have ever had. If you really want to see the wild of the sea, that is the place.
The #1 dive destination will be the one I'm NOT going to if you mean the greatest number of divers dive there. If I had a real #1 destination, I probably wouldn't tell too many people on the board (or elsewhere) for fear it would rapidly deteriorate in quality!

Dr. Bill

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