Service parts availability. Propitiatory parts are the limiting factor.
Hollis made the Explorer for a couple of years. When Huish bought them, they gave up on service parts. The electronics were a bit troublesome. I hear a few are still around. Most are dead.
Many rebreathers don't need special parts. Or that many of them. A basic eCCR can have all the electronics via 3rd party. Too early this morning, but I am thinking of an older eCCR (hammerhead?) that was known for bad electronics and the upgrade was to scrap the original controller and put in a Shearwater.
Poseidon has a LOT of electronic oversite. It would be hard(er) to change that out if the electronics support ever ended. Good thing is Poseidon is a fairly stable company with a long history.
Hollis made the Explorer for a couple of years. When Huish bought them, they gave up on service parts. The electronics were a bit troublesome. I hear a few are still around. Most are dead.
Many rebreathers don't need special parts. Or that many of them. A basic eCCR can have all the electronics via 3rd party. Too early this morning, but I am thinking of an older eCCR (hammerhead?) that was known for bad electronics and the upgrade was to scrap the original controller and put in a Shearwater.
Poseidon has a LOT of electronic oversite. It would be hard(er) to change that out if the electronics support ever ended. Good thing is Poseidon is a fairly stable company with a long history.