Oxygen toxicity can happen from repetitive EAN dives just as easily as it can happen from violating partial pressure limits (depth).Can you explain to us how he could be in danger breathing nitrox from a membrane as air while staying above 96 feet?
Pardon my hostile response but it’s not really my position to educate anyone here on this. Especially after being ridiculed in this thread.
Here’s some light reading but Google is your friend. Your dive computer should give you a CNS % GGUN says he dives “multiple” morning tanks and sometimes an evening tank all while not knowing what he’s breathing. It would be very easy to get oxygen toxicity in this case regardless of whether his computer thinks he’s breathing air or nitrox.

The Science Behind Oxygen Toxicity and Its Impact on Divers
Learn about the science behind oxygen toxicity and how it can impact divers. Discover the symptoms, causes, and prevention methods to ensure a safe diving experience.