What got you into diving?

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I was in a satanic cult that wanted to perform some rituals underwater, so I had to do it.
Really, a couple guys in the us army back in 86 suggested it. Hardly dove for most of those years but got back to it in 2004.
What got you into diving?

$1,200 bucks and low standards of membership.....

Actually, 15 years ago I was walking by a yard sale and a guy was selling off a whole setup, BC tanks weights regs etc...Having grown up in the water pretty much I said "gosh, that looks fun", bought the set, picked up a few books from the library and taught myself to dive.....solo:shakehead
I stopped for a few years and recently decided to get back into it, this time I was no longer a 25 year old single guy and with a wife, kids and a mortgage I figured I better do it right and went through the certification process.

Now, I'm still pretty green and as is said about newer dives-I don't know what I don't know, but compared to when I dove untrained, I do know what I didn't know before I now know what I don't know.
Decided to do a cruise one day, felt that the diving would be fun. Took the course and found that I really loved to dive. Wished I had started many moons ago, but thats life....

Honestly, I got into diving by default. I was living in Hawaii with my parents and daughter. We would take trips on a submarine every other weekend or so. I would look out the window at 150 feet and see all of the divers. I told them that was going to be me one day. Fast foward one year, and my mom signs herself up for classes at one time and my dad at another time. She couldn't make the scheduled classes and asked me if I would like to take her place. That's how it all started. But I am really glad that it worked out that way. Without her, I don't know that I would have ever worked up the courage to take classes. And now, another year later, I'm an expert diver on my way to becoming a Certified Dive Con/Assistant Instructor. Funny how things work out some times.
The oceans have always been a special place for me. Their serenity, beauty, as well as unbiased, unforgiving nature have always calmed or stirred my soul. When I left San Diego, the sound of waves crashing and smell of salty air meant something more for me, home. Any ocean is my home. Now I'm studying marine science, scuba was really the next step. Only wish I had the means to do it sooner.
When I was 4 I had this book from National Geographic about the 'Treasures of the Sea' (so awesome: my mom recently found it! It's SOOO corny!). I remember looking at the pictures in the book (ok I cut a few out so I'd have my own treasure too) and knowing I was going there (underwater). When I turned 14 I got a job on a SeaTow boat and used my first paycheck to buy the mask fins and snorkel required for my class (my parents were nice enough to pay for the class) and....my life's been a non-stop set of surface intervals ever since!
I've always loved the ocean, and I snorkelled a lot when I was a kid whenever we went away on holiday. I always wanted to try scuba, ever since I first found out about it when I was little. Then one day, about 12 years later, I decided that if i STILL wanted to try scuba, why the heck didn't i enroll in a class and just do it? So I did. I am pleased that I found scuba at a relatively young age. Started at 21. Been diving for more than a year now, and I definitely see it as a life long thing for me.
I've always wanted to scuba dive, but the tipping point came via a vacation a few years ago when I finally snorkeled for the first time ever. It was so fun and addictive that it really made me want to take up scuba diving immediately.

Took me a couple of years after that to work up the courage to walk in the local LDS and sign up for it. If it hadn't been for my instructor, I wouldn't have stuck around. I'm glad I did....it has been my sole means of staying sane. :D My only regret is that I didn't take it up earlier!
I was lucky on some Navy swimming competition events back in early 90´s. Got my Sergeant to ask me to do some exercises in freezing north Spain location, and after getting my ....ls back to normal size he told me I was on minehunter diver program!

I asked if it was about doing all that freezing stuff!! and he said it was going to be worst...so I thought COOL, I love water anyways... but did not discover the undersea beauties until 2000, when i decided to go caribbean for a while...

Caribbean open my eyes many ways... under and over the water....jejeje

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