What gear were you required to buy for AOW

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Guys given that you have qualified I would hope that in the time between open water and advanced
you take the initiative, do heaps of dives and importantly learn using compass, dsmb and other stuff
so you can present at advanced more experienced than basic, to show the instructor you are serious

Well grounded, well rounded Divers
?? in what world ?

most diver who do the advance have very little dive in between their qualification. it’s fine by my book; it means they want someone to help them learn faster rather than slugging through tirel and error. It doesn’t replace experience, but i do hope it helps them. Asking this guys to buy equipment they know not much about before the course is a money grab imo.
There are a lot of people from all over the world responding to this thread. Not all locations have the same customs and practices when it comes to owning vs renting or borrowing or even having the class provide it for free. Here in the US nothing is free. Many places even make OW students buy all their own gear before the class starts, or ends.
The way I see it, if you’re going to dive locally and do a lot of diving then buy your stuff and learn to use it well. If you’re a vacation only diver and only plan to rent gear where ever you go, then insist on renting for the class. If they don’t want to do that then find another shop that will.
Although not ever "required"......when I taught any con-ed past OW......I so strongly pushed the importance of having a cutting tool (knife, EMT SHears, Trilobite, etc) that I think the students considered it an "implied" requirement.

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