what do you do when your bored?

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It depends on what I'm itching to do when I get bored, especially since I'm between jobs right now and spend most of my days searching and sending out applications (and getting frustrated as hell). I'll rotate between any of the following, though:

--play my Playstation 2, especially Tekken, Super Puzzle Fighter, or Ace Combat.
--play one of my guitars, or maybe work on some music.
--go for a walk if it's outside
--browse through ScubaBoard :)
--play Yahoo Games' "Literati" (which my girlfriend and I are completely addicted to)
--wish I was diving.
Scubaboarding, of course!
I head to the Railroad Tracks with my camcorder and railroad scanner and watch and video tape trains. Yes this is my other hobby Train watching and Model railroading. Been doing it for 30 years now. When i am not diving this is my other way to relax.
I'm married with a Son and a house... getting bored is a luxury for me.

I'll raise your married, son and a house by adding my daughter (no, not for sale....although new gear would be nice :eyebrow: :eyebrow: )

Geez, I don't have time to be bored. I have too many interests... and I don't have a "job" (a paycheck) or a wife, and my son is full-grown and on his own. Of course I also live within sight of some of the best diving on the West Coast.

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