what do you do when your bored?

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I head to the Railroad Tracks with my camcorder and railroad scanner and watch and video tape trains.

I had no idea people did that until I recently watched the movie "The Station Agent". I love trains.

If I'm bored I:

Read books
Read scubaboard :)
Go hiking
Wander around the neighborhood with a good cup of coffee
Make jewelry
Watch movies

I used to play video games (ah, Tomb Raider, where are you now?), but it got to the point where that was all I was doing. I have a bit of an addictive personality when it comes to stuff like that.
I had no idea people did that until I recently watched the movie "The Station Agent". I love trains.

Read books
Read scubaboard :)
Go hiking
Wander around the neighborhood with a good cup of coffee
Make jewelry
Watch movies

I used to play video games (ah, Tomb Raider, where are you now?), but it got to the point where that was all I was doing. I have a bit of an addictive personality when it comes to stuff like that.
Yes watching Trains is a Multi Million Dollar industry world wide. Were know as Rail Fans.Just like with diving i know people who plan there vacations around rail fanning so they can travel the country.

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