What do all these abbreviations mean?

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What do all the abbreviations like IMO mean?

IMO = In My Opinion.

I call them TLR's (Three Letter References.) They're everywhere. There is a GOT (Glossary of Terms) if you do a search. Its a lot more fun to just sort of go fishing, IMO.

Enjoy -

Try This link. It seems to be fairly comprehensive.

List of abbreviations

Common abbreviations and Terms used, and are usually specific to diving are:

LDS - Local Diving Shop
SAC - Surface Air Consumption
BC - Bouyancy Compensator
BP/W - BackPlate and Wings
DIR - Doing It Right
PADI - Pay Another Dollar In (Just a joke)
STROKE - read: Spaz with dive gear
DCI - DeCompression Illness
DCS - DeCompression Sickness
BENT - as in getting "BENT" or the "BENDS"
HIT - Same as above
DCI/DCS HIT - Same as above
DIY - Do It Yourself

Thats all I can think of right now. I'm sure there is more. People will correct me and add as needed. Thank goodness. Hope this helps.

Hey Warren_l give the guy a break, the translation on that one is tricky? LOL

Welcome Mozzy105, it took me a while to get the hang of the abbreviations!

Sorry, just havin' a little fun, FWIW.
Warren....IMNSHO, I think you have a mean streak! :D
At the risk of sounding daft, I presume TOS means Terms of Scubaboard, correct?

terms of service

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