derm diver gal:Finally, the ripcord system, although unique, is sort of intimidating. I've been tempted to pull it (just to practice dropping my weights), but I find putting the ripcord weave back together far from simple.
If you haven't ever pulled that cord... I'd suggest you study it for a bit, and give it a shot. I've got one set up in the store that we use to show people how easy it is to dump, and just re-thread it over... and over... and over again. After you get good at it, it takes less than a couple minutes. Remember when you pull the ripcord - you only need to pull it about 12 inches - then it will stop. That is because of a piece of lead that is pressed on to one of the cords (the one that goes through the back to the right side pocket.
When re-threading - I've found that instead of pushing the loop of parachute cord through the grommets, it's actually easier to push the red "weed eater string" through the grommets, push it through the end of the loop, then push the end back throught the grommets... One little tug and it pulls the parachute cord right through.
This is very helpful on the last grommet on each side - as otherwise, it's kinda hard to get the parachute cord pushed through. It's hard to push a string!
So I'd say try it out when there is no pressure on you - do it a few times, because on a dive boat somewhere when some goof ball pulls it and says "Hey what does this do??" That is a bad time to try to re-thread for the first time. Especially with the boat having to turn around and pluck him out of the water since you have thrown them overboard...