West Palm Beach nite dive?

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seaangel once bubbled...
The platform re-entry is common for those boats. It really is easier in the type of swells that they drift dive in. Personnally though I much prefer a good wide ladder. Belly Board platforms are rough on the knees and require a bit of strength to pull up onto. I have learned to use the wave action to assist and it makes it a bit better.

Well - Ive been in swells before and much prefer the ladder re-entry. A major down side to the platforms is if you have integrated weights systems. When you come up on the platform, it can activate your release and cause your weight pockets to fall out - I know - I left 2 of them behind in WPB!!:(
I didn't say I like the platforms, just the explanation I was given when I complained about them to some of the experienced divers in my group when I first was exposed to diving in WPB.

I have integrated weights and yes, it is a lot of weight to pull yourself up on the bellyboard platform. I grab the platform up as high as my hands can reach, hang on and when the boat and platform drop down I kick my feet propelling myself upward and pull at the same time, by tucking my knees under as I go up I end up on hands and knees. We usually have a DM and another diver standing at the platform, they pull off our fins, we then continue up onto the deck on hands and knees where we then stand up. Now that said is easier than in real life for me. I use a steel 100 tank, and with weights, etc. my legs are not strong enough to push me up, however if someone just holds my tank and pulls as I push up it is not a problem. I still don't like it, and also prefer ladders, but I love to dive in WPB and will continue to go.
How did you activate the integrated weights on the platform re-entry? Mine would have to get caught in the slats on the platform and pull out as I stand up. But, they have the quick release type buckle that must be squeezed in and pulled out, so I don't think they would release too easily. I have a ScubaPro Classic BC, that may make a difference in the style of integrated weight systems too. I used to have a Tusa Platina and those weight pockets would fall out all the time. As a matter of fact my sister lost them in the Bahamas while using it.
I have a Mares Hub system with the integrated weight pockets. They have a release button on top that I assume got caught and relleased the system. I did not realize it at the time. I noticed it when I went to reset on a new tank.

I know I had them on in the water otherwise I wouldn't have been able to do a safety stop. When I went to transfer tanks they were gone. So - I lost them somewhere and the platform would be the only logical point.

As an instructer who was on board with a student pointed out - in these situations - put them in upside down - reverse the sides. That solves the problem - wish I would have known that before.
Scuba Duffer,

Sorry that you lost them that way. I have a ScubaPro Classic with weight integrated pockets they would be difficult to lose that way.
To release them on the sides of them there is a clip that connects together, a quick-release type that has to be squeezed in opens and then they will slide or pull right out. I have practiced releasing them so I know if need to ditch occurs it would not be difficult, but otherwise they are very secure.

I actually did a night dive in WPB and forgot to put my weights and the pockets back in. I had very little difficulty on descent and was able to stay down ok, but my safety stop was a bit harder. My buddy helped keep me from going up. I could not understand why, then when I got on the boat there they were on the bench.:rolleyes: Live and learn. Glad I had such a great buddy.
seaangel once bubbled...
Scuba Duffer,

I actually did a night dive in WPB and forgot to put my weights and the pockets back in. I had very little difficulty on descent and was able to stay down ok, but my safety stop was a bit harder.

You musy be lightly weighted. I could never stay at 15 ft with an empty tank and no weight.
I was using a steel 100 tank, and I did have 4 lbs of trim on. I was also using normally in my weight pockets 10 lbs. Since, that dive I took a stress and rescue class and we took off more weight from my pockets. The instructor felt I did not need the trim and he is correct. I am now using 6lbs - 8lbs in fresh water with a 3m suit and in saltwater 8-10lbs with a 3m suit. This is with the steel tanks, if I use al 80's I have to add more weight. The nice advantage of the steel tank is it is some of the weight.
detroit diver once bubbled...
Thanks everyone. We ended up booking with Coral Island Charters. They could guarantee a night dive and worked around our schedule.

Love to hear ... How was your dive with Coral Island? Did they do a one or two tank night dive and at what sites? I dove a 2 tank night dive with them last month and had a blast! I will definitely dive with them again.

kjunheart once bubbled...

Love to hear ... How was your dive with Coral Island? Did they do a one or two tank night dive and at what sites? I dove a 2 tank night dive with them last month and had a blast! I will definitely dive with them again.


Hi Sandy,

Coral Island really runs a nice operation as you found out. Great boat, nice people.

We did a one tank nite dive on Friday. I can't remember the name of the reef, but viz wasn't all that good. It was only the 3 of us on the boat which was nice (for us, anyway!).

The next day we did 4 dives with Coral Island again. Two relatively shallow reefs (there was a class on board) in the morning. It worked out great as we were shooting pics and video for a website and class. After lunch, we did the Governors' River Walk wreck site and got more good pics there. The barracuda's were out in force, and they were really huge! It was a thrill to watch this massive school swim by.

The next dive was on a wreck that I can't remember the name of. Again, more pics.

We didnt' see a lot of large fish (other than the 'cudas), but had a really great time. I like this charter operator a lot.

When I get home, I'll post a couple of our pics here for you to see.
Glad you enjoyed it! It doesn't surprise me about vis. If you dove around the Breakers area, they are doing a lot of dredging to replenish the beaches so vis hasn't been great in that area. Governor's wreck is fun.

You said when you get home...are you still in Florida?


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