I really do not withdraw cash at ATMs other than on my trips to Cozumel so I have no idea when this happened or how. Last year I had a $300-something limit, my bank told me that I could not get that changed, so I pulled $6,000 Pesos out a day until I got enough for my hotel and other expenses for the trip. I think I have about $1,000 MXN left from last year to take back with me which will help with little things until I get to a bank ATM there.
I have no idea as to how it got changed, but on today's call to alert my bank of my expectation of usage in Mexico next week I asked what my limit was, and it's now $710. Wow, I can pull $15,000 MXN the first day, keep most in my room safe, and not have to revisit the ATM every day. My hotel is booked in Pesos, but I like a cheap hotel downtown so that one withdrawal may get me thru the nine days.