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Question. I love tech. I love deep, and I love caves. And gear. And all the rest of it. I have, however, done the following:

#1. Used my HID as a light-saber during a sinkhole dive.
#2. Done the chicken dance at a safety stop. More than once.

Does this count?

Absolutely! Welcome to our little band of mischief makers.
Well I never considered myself cool and certainly not a dork, but after reading this thread I find I have been living under a misapprehension for a very long time.

I now proudly stand up and declare myself a dork diver.
The last rental gear I borrowed: the boots were delaminating, the wet suit had a hole, the fins were 2 different sizes (so had to wear one cotton sock:dork2:).

But gosh that harlequin & ghost pipe fish were beautiful, so was that coconut octopus, tons of frog fish, sea horses, zillions of scorpion and lion fish, etc, etc, etc.

I especially liked the part about being nice to boat staff & being environmentally conscious.

I think this makes me a dork too? Ahhh, suddenly I don't feel so alone!
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Proud to be a :dork2:
Well I never considered myself cool and certainly not a dork, but after reading this thread I find I have been living under a misapprehension for a very long time.

I now proudly stand up and declare myself a dork diver.

The last rental gear I borrowed: the boots were delaminating, the wet suit had a hole, the fins were 2 different sizes (so had to wear one cotton sock:dork2:).

But gosh that harlequin & ghost pipe fish were beautiful, so was that coconut octopus, tons of frog fish, sea horses, zillions of scorpion and lion fish, etc, etc, etc.

I especially liked the part about being nice to boat staff & being environmentally conscious.

I think this makes me a dork too? Ahhh, suddenly I don't feel so alone!

Proud to be a :dork2:

Welcome to the FUN side of diving.:lotsalove::dork2::dork2:

Be sure to keep on having tons of FUN.:D
Oh I want to belong but forgot how to have fun to much work not enough fun makes for a dull boy help please :(
Oh I want to belong but forgot how to have fun to much work not enough fun makes for a dull boy help please :(

The first step towards recovery is admitting you have a problem. So you are half way there. ;)

Now chant with me: :dork2::dork2::dork2::dork2: I'm a :dork2: a wonderful :dork2:.

Have fun and don't worry about work. We just started sending my work to China. I've learnt a new word DELEGATE. I have DELEGATED half my work to people in China. I figure there is so much work to go around it will take them a few years before the people in China will make me obsolete. By then I hope to be management then I can DELEGATE all the work to them. :D
Wait a minute....All we have to do is have fun and not bash other people to be a dork diver? I don't need specific gear or an attitude like I'm still in the Army? I would like to join this organization please. Do you guys still offer cards?

Wait a minute....All we have to do is have fun and not bash other people to be a dork diver? I don't need specific gear or an attitude like I'm still in the Army?
Sounds like you've pretty much got the hang of it already. :biggrin:
I would like to join this organization please.
In the words of the Ig Nobel Prize ceremony opening speech, "Welcome, welcome." :D

(I can't speak to the cards, myself, so someone else will have to pick up there.)
Too bad Tekkgirl closed her shop...:(

I wanted to get the pink webbing harness.

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