Wow, the thread that Scubaholic started was entertaining, to say the least. Just having done the EANx speciality myself, the thread in question was pretty wild at times, but informative. I agree with the majority of responders, that ppO2's are not to be messed with. If he wanted to go to 139 feet, which is of course beyond normal recreational depths, then why was he using nitrox? Should have used air. Either his instructor didn't make it clear enough to him about limits with nitrox, or he ignored them. Scubaholic might think it's cool and aggressive, but who's he trying to impress? I have my own level of what I consider risky, but I want to make it home alive after. I don't make my computer angry. I take care of it and it takes care of me. It's possible to be a cool and pro diver without having to dive 7 times in a day to below 100 feet. You can be Rec or Tec, but not a RecTec. I don't know about him, but dying would really mess up my day, ya' know? Being a paralytic veggie would be worse. I'd like for Scubaholic to 1. not get so defensive and 2. make some of his wonder multi-multi dive day's profiles available for people to peruse for themselves. After all, stories like his are great examples as How-not-to's. Otherwise, he'll end up in Dive Training magazine, in the section where they talk about an accident and why it happened. :11: