zboss:After talking to a cave instructor, he suggested - that when just starting out with a backplate - that I use a weight belt with my SS backplate. The catch is that I only put on the weight belt what I think I will need at the end of the dive but before ascent.
For the initial descent, attach additional drop-weights to your bcd with clips equivelent to what you would need to ascend safely. When you get to the entrance of the cave or an area you will be returning to, you clip of the weights there. When you return, re-attach the weights before ascent.
Drop weights used to be handy when the only way you could dive was wet and without a BC. I haven't seen a cave diver use drop weights yet.
they may still come in handy for getting down shimneys with extremely high flow or something...maybe.
Once a cave diver graduates to using doubles the odds are that no additional weight would be required anyway.