Supposed to be doing my OW cert Sat/Sun at the breakwater, what are the chances of that happening?
This is where that release you signed comes in.
We all REALLY hope that your instructor didn't take you out today. I was DMing an OW class at the Breakwater a few months ago and conditions were horrid, big waves sometimes hitting all way up the stairs and then receeding so far you could see 40 feet of sand. My (smart, experienced and trustworthy) instructor cancelled the class.
Another instructor didn't and we all feared for his students as they were really hammered by the waves. It was a miracle that no one was seriously injured or worse.
Please check back in with us to let us know what happened.
There's ALWAYS ANOTHER DAY TO DIVE when conditions suck. (Unless you dive that day anyway and die. Then, there's never any more diving for you.)