web people trap

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clewiston ' fl
AAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGGGG I hate when you use a link to go to a web page, then when your done and want to go back to where you were hit the back button ten times if you want a they want let you leave. you got to use the little arrow.

I know not that big of deal maybe its like a people trap. some of them aren't even a site that sell's anything
that just stupid. :06:
Hmmm... I though I was the only one that ever happened to.

Wonder how they do that... I would think that the Back button would be a browser function, independent of the web site you're on. Cookies? I think I've got those disabled...


AAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGGGG I hate when you use a link to go to a web page, then when your done and want to go back to where you were hit the back button ten times if you want a they want let you leave. you got to use the little arrow.

I know not that big of deal maybe its like a people trap. some of them aren't even a site that sell's anything
that just stupid. :06:
Marek K:
Cookies? I think I've got those disabled...


If your cookies are disabled, you would be logging in to SB manually...Are you?
Whats basically happening is that the site is instantly redirecting you to another page when you entire the site. Sometimes this has a good purpose, like building a frame navigation but generally it is done to trap you or trap the search engines. It's not a nice practice and certainly not a way to get users to go back to a site!
tech admin, thanks for the info i thought it might be somthing like that and try to stay away from sites that do that.
AAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGGGG I hate when you use a link to go to a web page, then when your done and want to go back to where you were hit the back button ten times if you want a they want let you leave. you got to use the little arrow.

I know not that big of deal maybe its like a people trap. some of them aren't even a site that sell's anything
that just stupid. :06:

I hate that so much, that I won't even support customers with that web feature...........
How about sites that use Flash for no good reason? Flash games are fun and I suppose Flash has it's legit uses, but when a business' whole site is done in Flash and you can't copy text or bookmark info it drives me away.
If you are using MS Internet Explorer, try using the list arrow next to the 'Back' button - it gives you a list of the last 10 sites visited. Select the one previous to the sticky site and you should free your browser up.

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