See post 1775 above.

Too many people have bought in to the trial by media, trial by angry bereaved family and the "Give him a fair trial then hang him" mentality. The Judge did his job! He considered the evidence, disallowed information that was not appropriate then made a ruling according to His Duty! The half truths, intentional and unintentional misleading information have been so badly twisted that Truth has become the greatest victim.
TWO COURTS have decided the man is not guilty of deliberately murdering his wife because the EVIDENCE BEFORE THOSE COURTS (not the evidence as it has been doctored by others with their own agendas) DID NOT SUPPORT a FINDING of GUILTY of MURDER!
Here is an interesting fact. Gabe WATSON is NOT Guilty of Murder until a legally conducted court declares him so. Two courts failed to be able to justify that finding so HE is a FREE man because he not Guilty therefor innocent of the charges.
Lets all stop and think for a moment.. put ourselves in his shoes. He overestimated his skill (many people do). He didn't handle the situation well when the "ship hit the sand". He surfaces to get help (remember rescue 101 to become a second victim). He confides in someone who claims to be "Expert" and they pick him apart with misinformation. The man is reeling from what just happened and his wife is on another boat being worked on. Someone else tells you that what he just experienced couldn't have happened. You know they are experienced divers and you start doubting yourself. You can't face watching the people work on your wife so you hold back and second guess yourself for that. Then the interviews and media twist everything you say. Then the family that never really liked your launches a campaign. You are innocent and get angry about how this is all playing out and do some stupid things. This Hell goes on and on but you dare not say anything to defend yourself.. nor can your family. You go through 8 years of this.. finally are vidicated but the lynch mob wont go away. The stain on your name and reputation will not go away.
How much more punishment does he deserve? Yep he failed to measure up to the hero status most people think they would display. He will always live with that but think for a minute how it would feel to be him? I say he has paid enough. Consider this... if he is such a vile terrible person.. how on earth did he find someone who knew the whole story and still fell in love with him and married him in spite of all this. Don't you think that has to say something about his character and that maybe he isn't as bad as the campaigners saw him?

Sorry but I am getting tired of biting my tongue and trying to use reason to encourage people to consider both sides. Both have suffered. I don't doubt both are commited to their positions isn't it time to let them heal now? Rant over! :doh: