Watson Murder Case - Discussion

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THE public has been repeatedly conned by lurid tales of the honeymoon killer. SO you think you know Gabe Watson did it. The lantern-jawed, strongly built man from Alabama murdered his pretty blonde wife of 11 days, Tina, while diving with her on the Great Barrier Reef during their honeymoon, right?
And you probably have come to this view because he had motive, a significant life insurance payout. You have read that he stood to collect a fortune and start afresh without the young woman he never really loved.
It is a good script and it is little wonder that you presume his guilt. You have read about his wicked intent over and over. The portrayal and the pictures are very damaging for the bubble-wrap salesman, who looks capable of engaging in a fatal "bear-hug" to squeeze the life out of Tina.
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You know, too, that Tina's father Tommy Thomas, is a plausible and likable man (the television hosts who regularly interview him along with other media describe him as "great talent").
Thomas clearly adored his daughter. He has been relentlessly driving a public case for murder and wanted his son-in-law to suffer the death penalty in Alabama, although he will now probably settle for life imprisonment.
But you have been conned. Almost all of it is puerile fantasy. In the millions of words published and broadcast about Watson and his bride Tina, 26, during the past few years, culminating in a crescendo of emotive and politically motivated commentary during the past months and days in a tug-of-war between Alabama lawmakers and their counterparts in Canberra and Brisbane, few if any have been balanced or favourable to him.
The sincerity of Thomas is undeniable. But in the zeal of Thomas, Australian and US media and the respective prosecutorial authorities to get Watson, their omission of inconvenient facts - hard and inescapable evidence that has passed rigorous testing by judges of Queensland's Supreme Court and the Court of Appeal - is unforgivable.
Watson was cowardly for a few seconds that now define his life. That is the finding on the evidence. He lacked the intestinal fortitude and good judgment to swim down several metres to save the life of his wife when she was having serious trouble breathing during the dive.
This egregious lapse sealed her fate. He had wilted under pressure when he first tried to help her and she had, in her panic, knocked off his respirator and mask. He swam to the surface to raise the alarm and frantically seek help as she drifted into the depths, dying.
He recognised his contribution to her death. He pleaded guilty to manslaughter, negligence that is criminal. His inaction should not engender public sympathy, but he did not murder her.
The insurance angle is a beat-up. There was a life insurance policy, but it was insignificant and of no good whatsoever to Watson. It was worth a paltry $30,000. The beneficiary was her father, Thomas. Travel insurance? Yes, that was on the table, worth just $10,000.
And here's the clincher: the evidence of one of the detectives that an insurance broker, Mark Hughes, had provided a document (exhibit 33) in which it was revealed that in early September 2003, six weeks before the diving death, Watson did not want to proceed with a substantial life policy. He had planned to reconsider the opportunity after the honeymoon.
Queensland Director of Public Prosecutions Tony Moynihan would have pressed for a prosecution for murder if there had been a snowflake's chance of succeeding. But there wasn't.
Many of the facts contrary to the matrix of information contrived to portray Watson as a murderer can be found in the written judgment by three of Queensland's most experienced judges, Chief Justice Paul de Jersey, Justice John Muir and Justice Richard Chesterman. Other facts can be found in the detailed legal submissions to the Queensland Coroner's Court.
There was evidence that it is rare for a diving death to be the result of a single factor; diving deaths are almost always multi-factorial. A study had shown that panic, however, accounted for about 40 per cent of the contribution to drowning while diving.
In one exchange with an expert medical witness it was established that the particular effects of panic and anxiety will change the diver's respiratory pattern, cause perceptual narrowing and disorientation, decrease cognitive function and stimulate arrhythmia, among other symptoms. Tina had a pre-existing heart condition, an arrhythmia, which had been treated with surgery two years before she died. The surgery is successful "99 per cent of the time".
She was also, indisputably, a panicker. Another witness who had assessed her previously described her in evidence as "probably the most panicked diver that I have worked with before".
There was other evidence that just before getting into the water for the dive that killed her she was red in the face with wide glazed eyes. She was out of breath and "not at all comfortable".
Diphenhydramine, the medication she was taking for seasickness, has reported side effects of confusion, dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue, disturbed co-ordination, irritability and blurred vision.
Another furphy from the evidence is that as a so-called qualified "rescue diver" Watson should have been able to save her life.
The facts tell a different story: the last occasion on which he had dived in salt water, a more challenging environment than still freshwater, was more than four years before the honeymoon. His experience as a diver was limited. Certification he held as an experienced rescue diver might have been ego-boosting but was not worth the paper on which it
was written.
Much has been made of highly damaging footage of Watson removing flowers from Tina's gravesite. They had been placed there by her grieving parents, who believed Watson killed their daughter. The flowers were artificial. "Was it the case that flowers which were artificial were considered by Mr Watson to be offensive and that [was why] they were removed?" asked his legal counsel, Steve Zillman, at the inquest.
Chesterman in the Queensland Court of Appeal described Watson as "a man of good character, well regarded by his community and given to selfless acts of charity". "He was devastated by the loss of his wife whom he loved.
"Although the primary judge [Justice Peter Lyons who did the original sentencing] did not say so, it is, I think, implicit that her death and his responsibility for it is a psychological burden that must weigh heavily on him. [Lyons] expressly found that [Watson] was devoted to his wife and devastated by her loss."
Chesterman found it likely that Watson "left his wife because when confronted with a novel, difficult and dangerous situation he lacked the qualities of character, and the skills, to deal with it. [His] case is one of omitting to provide assistance. He was her only means of survival and he turned way. He knew she was inexperienced and depended upon him for her safety.
"He knew she had declined an orientation dive because of her trust in his competence and capacity to protect her.
"[He] decided in a split-second not to dive after [Tina] but to surface and seek help. The cause of death was asphyxiation. For some reason wholly unexplained in the materials provided, [Tina] ceased to breathe."
Muir described Watson's conduct as less culpable than that of others whose failure to help in different manslaughter cases had caused death, because "their conduct [in those other cases] was not the result of a spur of the moment decision made under pressure".
Muir found Watson "had no intention of harming his wife. He did help her initially. His reprehensible decision to swim for assistance was made in a hostile environment when he was under stress." It is a very different portrait to the one being painted now.
Watson has been charged in the US with the murder of Tina. Prosecutors in Alabama want to convict him and Thomas is pleased. They have pledged that he will be spared the executioner's needle.
I've mentioned before that I think the detectives failed on the dive computer, bluffing instead of reading the online manual.
Death on reef mystery

Peter Patrick

July 17, 2010

Tina Watson lies on the seafloor (right).

DAVID Watson is a tall, handsome man, with greying hair and a firm handshake. He speaks in the lilting tones of the men of America's deep south - open, direct, familiar but formal, and disconcertingly polite. When we meet, it is almost midnight. He has come to this small regional airport of Birmingham, Alabama, to greet an Australian journalist who wants to ask him about his son, Gabe, known in Australia and in parts of the wider world not so much by name as from a distressing photo taken on a fatal scuba dive off the Great Barrier Reef.
The photo, by an unwitting passing diver, shows Gabe's wife of 11 days, Tina, lying motionless on the sea floor. Tina was either dead or dying at the time it was taken. Police charged Gabe with her murder, but then amended the charge, offering a deal. Gabe pleaded guilty to contravening an obscure part of Queensland law; for want of another name, the courts have called it manslaughter.
In America, the case has provoked deep divisions. Gabe Watson is known there as ''the honeymoon killer''; the photo has become a powerful tabloid totem for people convinced he should die for his wife's murder. In Alabama, the couple's home, there is open contempt for the Australian authorities' handling of the case. The Attorney-General of Alabama, enraged at what he saw as leniency, said he would seek the death penalty once Gabe was released. He has since recanted; now he will seek life in prison.
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David Watson admits to having little appreciation of Australia, or its system of justice. ''When I think of Australia, I think of Crocodile Dundee,'' he says. ''I suppose it's wrong, but I think of Australians as living in the bush.''
The following evening, David, his wife, Glenda, and four of Gabe's friends meet to discuss the tragedy. It is the first time any of the Watson group has spoken at length to Australian media.
The Watsons, and the couple's friends, cannot understand why Tina was allowed to dive in the deep, fast-flowing ocean waters of the Port of Townsville's main shipping channel when she had no sea or open-water diving experience. She had logged only a few short training dives in an abandoned mining quarry in Alabama. The diving school located there is 200 kilometres from the sea, its fresh waters are as still as a millpond and its shore line within easy reach of any swimmer.
There are few satisfactory answers to their questions, other than the knowledge that the Australian dive company that took the couple out for the five-day excursion pleaded guilty to contravening its own safety standards and was fined $6500, plus costs of $1500.
The discussion in the small Alabama town of Hoover quickly moves on to the Queensland coronial system, which they equate to a mediaeval court of inquisition.
The group's complaint is that Gabe was charged with murder, a charge Queensland could not sustain. An alternative charge was then laid and, as they see it, a plea offer made that Gabe couldn't refuse. He had to take part in a humiliating and expensive appeal before Queensland's Court of Appeal. Finally, the Australians jailed him for 18 months in a high-security prison.
As the pro-Watson group sees it, economic concern for Queensland's image as a world-class tourist destination drove the criminal charges, not the justice of the case.
Glenda Watson speaks of losing not only a son but a daughter-in-law. ''We all bent over backwards to work with the Australian police when Tina died. With Gabe still in Australia, I went over there. There was no grief support, nothing. People talk of Tina's family, but Tina was a Watson when she died. What of our family?''
Pastor Craig Greer, who married the couple, explains. ''Glenda was like a second mother to Tina. She spent more time with the Watson family in the days and months leading up to the marriage than she did with her own flesh and blood.''
The strain of these bitter memories shows on Glenda Watson's face as she describes her feelings on arriving in Townsville. ''I was there in a foreign country. We did what they asked us to do,'' she says. ''We came home; we still did what they asked us to do. We give the law its due. We respect the law.''
As the Watson camp sees it, Gabe did what he could. ''Gabe initiated an attempt to rescue [Tina] and then did not follow through with it, and they claim that resulted in her ultimate death, is what he was found guilty of. Is that what happened?'' David Watson asks.
I point out that Gabe pleaded guilty to contravening Queensland's criminal code. If he was innocent, why plead guilty?
David grimaces then explains. ''Faced with the prospect of a long trial against the state with unlimited resources, an unknown outcome in a place far from our home, we elected the 'guilty plea' option so as to have our son returned to us at the earliest possible date.''
But if his father knew or realised his son was guilty, would he still stand by him and spend his family's life's savings on his defence?
David pauses before answering: ''I would always stand by Gabe as I would any of my children, regardless of what they did, because they are always your children. But would I spend all that money if I thought he was guilty? No, I don't think I would.''
Pastor Greer adds: ''For us over here to navigate the [Australian] system, to watch the press play out, not to know who to trust through all of this, has been the dilemma … it's played out like a Kafka novel. Why did police think Gabe murdered Tina?''
THE facts of Tina's death, other than the question of murder, are not in dispute. About 10.30am on October 22, 2003, she and Gabe were above the historic shipwreck Yongala, which lies 90 kilometres south-east of Townsville.
At least 43 divers had entered the water since sun-up from three dive vessels, Adrenaline, Spoilsport and Jazz II and were at various locations and depths.
Suddenly, Gabe Watson broke the waters above the wreck and screamed: ''Tina's gone down. I need help.''
The photograph showing his wife either dead or near death, lying prostrate on the bottom in 27 metres of water, emerged later. It would be of little forensic value, but its impact on the public psyche was devastating. It served to harden views that Gabe Watson was a cold, calculating killer.
Hearing Gabe's cries, Wade Singleton, the safety and rescue diver for the morning, plunged into the water. Singleton later told the coroner: ''We came down to the top of the wreck, which is approximately 15 metres [deep] … I proceeded to drop down to approximately 25 metres. And that's when basically I saw Tina on the bottom.''
Singleton's legs and fins were captured by tourist diver Gary Stempler, who took the now-famous photograph. It also shows Dawn Asano posing for the camera, with Tina's body in the background. Neither Asano nor Stempler was aware that a diver had sunk to the ocean floor beneath them.
At this point, Tina was beyond help. Even if she was still breathing, which seems unlikely as no expired gases are visible from her regulator, Singleton had no way to bring her up alive. They were in deep water with a pressure approximately 2.7 times that at the surface. Unless there is venting, which occurs naturally under water with normal breathing, her lungs would expand to 2.7 times their natural volume during the ascent, and like a bursting balloon, be destroyed in the process. The autopsy recorded the grim results: ''Radiology: … florid evidence of air embolism.''
Townsville police issued a standard media report later in the day, advising that a tourist had drowned accidentally off a dive boat. They had no suspicions. Five days
later, with his mother, Glenda, now in Townsville, Gabe gave to a routine police investigation his account of what happened.
''[After entering the water and descending] we both realised this current's a lot stronger than what we feel comfortable diving in … I turned to look at her at about the same time as she was turning to me.''
Gabe said he took Tina's hand and she gave him a ''thumbs up'', signalling a return to the comparative safety of the anchor line. ''So I started swimming [with Tina in tow].'' Almost immediately, she started to sink. He signalled to her to inflate her buoyancy vest. ''I know she squeezed it,'' he said, ''but whether she squeezed it hard enough or didn't squeeze the right thing or it wasn't working I don't know … thoughts were going through my head … 'I'm gonna get her, get her back to the anchor rope and she can either pull herself up it or she can hold it until I can go get somebody'.
''[Then] … her hand hit my mask [and] it knocked my mask sideways.''
Gabe describes how he cleared his mask, a procedure that usually requires both hands. ''I had to let go,'' he says.
Mask clear, he turned to his wife, but she remained out of reach. Finally, he decided to surface for help. ''I thought, 'Well, you know, I'm halfway down, if I go all the way down I can't come back up quick just because of how deep it is,' so I thought 'Well I'll just turn, shoot back to the anchor rope'.''
He surfaced and his statement says: ''I remember getting to the top, ah yanking my mask off, you know spitting out my regulator or not even have it in. I don't know, um, and just yelling, you know, 'Tina's gone down … I need help.' ''
American Dr Stanley Stutz, who was on the dive, saw the couple in difficulty. He gave an account to the coroner via video link and made written statements to police. At the time of the dive he was working as a specialist in emergency medicine at Townsville General Hospital.
''I was about five metres under water, and something caught the corner of my eye and I looked over and I saw a woman in distress,'' he says. ''She was on her back, arms out to the side. She reminded me of Jesus on a cross.''
Stutz says he then saw another diver ''embrace'' Tina, for a short time - five or 10 seconds - and he thought this person would assist her to the surface. ''Then they split apart. I don't know why … [the other diver] went towards the surface. I assumed to find help. [Tina was] sinking looking straight up at me. It was terrible.''
Dr Stutz by his own estimate was six metres from the stricken couple. Could he have saved Tina?
He told the coroner: ''I pushed my way past the other divers in my group down to my dive instructor to tell him, but he said to calm down and insisted I stay down with the group.''
No suggestion of murder had been made up to this point. But a month after Tina died, two divers who had been on the Watsons' boat met her father, Tommy Thomas, in Alabama. They were fellow Americans Ken Snyder and Doug Milsap. The two men later told NBC TV reporter Dennis Murphy that Gabe had told them something that, in their experience, seemed inconceivable: Tina was ''too heavy'' for Gabe to rescue - and the rest of his story was ''bull****'' as well.
The reporter agrees that the ''too heavy to rescue'' explanation sounded strange, yet neither diver explained that it was drag, the deep resistance to movement that enables fluid to hold a body in its grip that was the force at work, rather than weight or mass.
FOR a death to be considered murder, a motive is required. Tina's worker's compensation carried a death benefit. Thomas told The Age that his daughter's death benefit was $US33,000. With a double indemnity, a worker could buy additional benefits up to a maximum of $170,000. He claimed Gabe wanted the couple to buy the increase.
The difficulty with this as a theory is that Gabe was never the beneficiary. Her father received the money on Tina's death. Thomas explains the contradiction by saying Gabe thought he was the beneficiary. Thomas says he told his daughter to inform Watson that a change in beneficiaries had taken place.
The complexities in the Thomas argument on motive quickly become so involved they appear unlikely. The undisputed evidence of the Crown shows that as the young couple packed their bags for Townsville, Gabe Watson refused to take out additional insurance offered by an insurance broker, saying he would review the position after their honeymoon.
Thomas's response is that to purchase such an insurance policy was too obvious a ploy and would have aroused suspicion.
Tina and Gabe Watson did have a joint travel policy. The benefit was $10,000 by way of an accidental death plus a benefit of $25,000 if death was caused by a common carrier, such as an airline.
However, no benefit was ever paid as the policy did not cover death while scuba diving. During the investigation, Gabe Watson said he thought this was covered.
Thomas does not believe Gabe murdered Tina for money. ''It was a secondary motive,'' he says. ''He killed her because he was obsessed with her … so that no one else could have her.''
In such circumstances, it's easy to understand why the Crown chose not to proceed with the murder charge and why the court found the original charge false.
Gabe Watson returned to Australia voluntarily in May 2009. He paid his own way and surrendered to police at Brisbane Airport. When brought before the court and asked to plead, he replied: ''Not guilty to murder, guilty to manslaughter.''
After the drama of the Coroners Court, an NBC TV investigation, and an inquiry by Greta van Susteren of Fox TV, the trial of Gabe Watson turned out to be the ultimate anticlimax. That is, until the sentence was announced: a year behind bars, with a further three years suspended.
Death on reef mystery

Peter Patrick

July 17, 2010

A furore erupted, sparked by the outrage of Tina's father and fuelled by Queensland Premier Anna Bligh. Words of hate and bile were directed towards Watson.
Queensland Attorney-General Cameron Dick told State Parliament he considered the sentence ''manifestly unjust''. The Crown would appeal.
When reviewed by Queensland's Court of Appeal, much in the case was settled or agreed, but not the penalty. Chief Justice Paul de Jersey thought 2½years was the proper prison time. Justice Richard Chesterman said 18 months, and Justice John Muir found the trial judge had made no error in law and the original sentence should stand.
Facing a stalemate, the Chief Justice went with Justice Chesterman and the sentence was settled: 18 months behind bars. Watson is due to be released in the second week of November.
The court found Gabe loved his wife, was devastated at her loss and was of good character. His crime: as a rescue diver, he failed to save his wife. By failing to save her, he killed her.
Justice Chesterman, while not criticising the trial judge, found Gabe Watson had ''borne the unjust charge … of murder''.
In summing up the many mistakes that stem from the Coroners Court, Justice Chesterman says: ''This cause of death was repeated at the appeal by the Solicitor-General but it is wrong. Before dealing with the error another mistake, consequential on the first, should be noted. The prosecutor described the cause of death as 'drowning … the deceased failed to receive sufficient oxygen whilst under … water'. The deceased did not drown. The cause of death was asphyxiation. For some reason wholly unexplained in the materials provided the deceased ceased to breathe.''
Leading Melbourne barrister Bill Coady said this was ''a novel and original prosecution''. The section Watson pleaded to was written more than 110 years ago by Sir Samuel Griffith, and does not appear to have been used previously. Coady says the specific crime does not exist in Victoria.
Coady feels the Court of Appeal made good decisions. In particular, he points to the judgment of Justice Chesterman, which he says ''makes a nonsense of the findings from the Coroners Court. He [Chesterman] then hits out against the outrageous allegations which arose from that court.
''The only question I have, is why he pleaded guilty in the first place. After all, it seems it was only his own statements made in the immediate aftermath of his wife's death that proved the case against him.
''I think the difficulty in the public mind arises because there is no relation or extension of the charges … The original murder charge does not lead to the contravention of s290 of the criminal code to which Watson finally pleaded.''
TINA had previously suffered from debilitating heart arrhythmia, or irregularity. Two years before she died, doctors temporarily inserted a microwave-generating device into her heart to destroy some troublesome tissue.
The Watsons said that, in the weeks before her Australian trip, Tina had made repeated visits to a neighbourhood medical clinic to get treatment for a severe head cold.
When she died, paracetamol, ibuprofen and diphenhydramine were in her body; the last is used as a seasickness tablet. Tina, then, was either seasick or expected to become seasick, immediately before a difficult dive.
Dr Andrew Epstein, the cardiac surgeon who conducted her heart operation, gave evidence to the coronial inquiry. He said he had not certified Tina for diving and was not himself a diving medical expert, but that he did not expect her heart condition to reoccur.
Professor David Williams, the forensic pathologist who conducted the autopsy, found ''no convincing evidence'' of heart disease. He said the cause of death was drowning.
Tina was allowed to dive that day because she held a dive certificate from an Alabama organisation that required the completion of a medical questionnaire. One question asked if she had ever suffered a heart irregularity. Coroner's Court exhibit 66 records her answer: ''No.''
Dr Michael Bennett is the vice-president of the Undersea & Hyperbaric Medical Society, an organisation that includes institutions such as the Mayo Clinic and NASA. He is also director of diving and hyperbaric medicine at Sydney's Prince of Wales Hospital. He treats about 70 divers a year for diving illness, is a world expert in these fields and has dived on the shipwreck where Tina Watson died.
''I think the physician who completes a diving medical should seek written assurance from the patient's cardiologist that the cardiac arrhythmia has been corrected and the patient is suitable for diving,'' he said. ''Without that, I would not be willing to certify a diving medical certificate for such a person.''
He questions Gabe's experience as a rescue diver. ''Three years is a long time to be off diving and a diver will be very rusty after such a long lay-off. The absence drags him back to the level of someone with relatively little experience.''
Bennett also says that while it is expected buddies will help each other, this may not happen. ''Consider the kind of circumstance they face. They both will probably suffer from the same problem and both are likely to be in a highly agitated state, affected by considerable physical and psychological problems. Unless the buddy is calm, it would be relatively difficult for him to provide assistance.''
It's not disputed that Gabe Watson burst to the surface at some speed. What is disputed is the time he took to ascend, after leaving Tina. Police estimate the figure from his dive computer as a leisurely 2.5 minutes for the total ascent. The slowest time should have been 1.5 minutes, using an industry standard ascent rate of 33 feet a minute.
The difficulty is that the computer he wore, was radio controlled. This meant that body shielding and signal integrity as well as the point of ascent were at issue. Many called Watson a liar based on the computer results. Few knew the computer itself had a slow-down warning, programmed in its memory.
Justice Chesterman said of the many contradictions, ''Given the circumstances in which the accounts were given and the respondent's evident and understandable distress at his wife's death I do not myself attach the same significance to the inconsistencies as did the prosecutor.''
Senior Alabama policeman Lieutenant Brad Flynn is part of the police department in Helena, where Tina's parents live. He does not like Gabe Watson or his father and is not afraid to say so. ''Rather than lose the prosecution, we are willing to waive the death sentence,'' he says. ''It's a small price to pay … In my heart I know we would have gotten a conviction [over here]. We want the physical exhibits. Scuba tanks, dive computer … They know what we need … I don't like the way the Australians handled some things, but I'm not going to be specific … I respect your laws, but we have two sovereign courts. We want our day in [an Alabama] court.''
Alabama Attorney-General Troy King has written to his Queensland counterpart, Cameron Dick, seeking the release of the exhibits and giving an undertaking not to seek the death penalty if Gabe Watson is retried in Alabama. He will seek life without parole.
Dick said Queensland had already supplied more than 9000 pages to Alabama authorities. He said Australia has a ''long-standing bipartisan opposition to the death penalty''.
''The government is now seeking detailed advice on whether what is contained in Mr King's letter is sufficient, and whether it is, in fact, an effective undertaking that would be binding on the government of Alabama.''
Dick chose not to answer the question: ''Having been tried and acquitted in Queensland of murder, should Gabe Watson be retried in Alabama because that state believes Queensland got it wrong?'' Nor would he say why, if the Court of Appeal made a mistake, he chose not to take the matter to the High Court.
More complexity has been added because King lost Republican Party preselection and will not seek re-election this November. Luther Strange, the Republican Party candidate and favourite for the office, said he would ''evaluate the case thoroughly if he becomes Alabama's next attorney-general and has access to the available information''.
An Alabama indictment is possible before Watson's release and in King's term in office. Lieutenant Flynn says it would take about three or four weeks to prepare for and empanel a grand jury, with the case expected to run for a couple of days.
Tina is buried in the Southern Heritage Cemetery at Pelham, about 20 kilometres from the regional city of Birmingham, a short journey from each family. Five years after her death, Gabe remarried. His new wife, schoolteacher Kim Lewis, has twice travelled to Australia to visit him. In the prison, he sits alone on a red chair and she sits nearby and they talk. In Alabama, she waits for him to return, a free but marked man.
Peter Patrick is a Walkley Award-winning journalist. He has asked the federal government, through his local member, Andrew Robb, not to deport Gabe Watson to the US if he could face the death penalty there.
I had to split the post of the last link.. sorry about the length but those who are interested can read them in their entirety and those who aren't can just bypass them. Interesting info on ascent rate :hmm: Relationship between Tina and her parents:hmm: Gabe's lack of current dive experience... Interesting that Gabe had delayed an insurance decision. :hmm: just remembering that some policies allow for a medical free increase on trigger events.. like births, and marriages. With Tina's medical history policy premiums may have been increased or in some cases declined. I also found it interesting that Tina had answered NO on her dive medical re her heart procedure..

Of course as I have said before.. one needs to take into account the source of the info and any potential bias...ie.. media sensationalism, trying to one up the opposition (media), bias of Thomas camp and Watson camp. I am more encouraged when we see info from BOTH sides that we may be a more balanced outlook
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Nothing to celebrate here. :(

Someone posted some links others couldn't access so I posted the content for those who wanted to read it but couldn't. I hadn't seen some of that information before myself.
A note about heart arrhythmia and diving:

In the recent DAN conference on dive fatalities, a number of presentations were made regarding heart health. These are available at the DAN site. Heart arrhythmia is a fairly common condition that causes occasional episodes in which the heart's chambers are beating our of coordination. Typically the atria beat faster than the ventricles. The treatment Tina had is called an ablation, and it can sometimes, but not always, cure it. Even if an episode occurs during a dive, it does not pose a serious threat at the moment. In the workshop, DAN said that it would not be a contraindication of diving except during the episodes. I know divers with this condition, without any ablation or other current treatment, who have consulted with DAN have been fully medically cleared to dive by knowledgeable physicians. I even know someone who had an episode begin on the first day of a week long dive vacation in a remote area where good medical care was not readily available. Although it was not a wise decision, he did all the planned dives that week even though he was in arrhythmia the entire time. I can't image it could have been even remotely a factor in her demise.
Nothing to celebrate here. :(

Someone posted some links others couldn't access so I posted the content for those who wanted to read it but couldn't. I hadn't seen some of that information before myself.
I believe that was Gabe's dad who posted the links.
You are most welcome Don.. and yes ACE50 did say he was Gabe's Dad. I for one appreciate hearing the other side of the story instead of only one!

Funny thing.. today I was talking to my sister in Canada and she brought up the case based on the broadcast. She got the impression that there was no other explanation but murder.. sad really how the media pick up a story and sensationalize it. I suspect that if this had happened to someone like myself.. not a beautiful young lady on her honeymoon the press would have very little interest in the case!

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