NetDoc:It's an even sadder day when YOU discourage people from asking basic questions because YOU feel you have to make some point about diving instruction or whatever.
And its sadder still when we live in a world where everything has to drip with syrup, and we can't be honest with our opinions because someone might not feel absolutely wonderful at the end of the day.
NetDoc:Somehow I doubt that Andy will feel nearly as open about asking any further questions due to your HARSH treatment of his ignorance or confusion (which ever it was).
I prefer to grant Andy the dignity of assuming he is a big boy now, a member of the most contentious profession on the planet, and that he can handle a direct and honest characterization of his question without running and hiding under the bed. But let's step back and take a moment to examine this atrocious harshness you speak of. My initial response was:
"This is a joke, right?
Please say it is.
The reasons this is a ridiculous idea are found in PADI OW module 1. At least one knowledge review question deals with this. Every other agency covers it to a greater extent. "
So, what exactly was unspeakably cruel about this? Two or three others posted their suspicions that it was a joke, and one of them argued that he wasn't serious even after Andy claimed otherwise. Are these others also unbelievably sadistic? Then there are all the tongue in cheek responses alluding to Monty Python, etc. They are all implying that it's all a joke to some extent.
Perhaps you take issue with my pointing out where every certified diver should have been exposed to this information. I provided a reference both for why he should know the answer and where he could look it up. Once I could read, my parents bought me an encyclopedia, and when I asked questions whose answers could be found there, they would always respond, "go look it up. We bought you a fine set of reference books." Was this attempt to teach me to fish instead of giving me a fish child abuse? I don't think so.
So, I expressed an apparently common belief here that it was a joke, and I pointed out where every diver should have seen and can currently find the answer. Apparently, this makes me a monster. It goes without saying that EVERY other post I've made in this thread has been a response to someone else taking issue with what I said, including a lot of personal attacks against me.
NetDoc:That is a crime! Instead of encouraging learning you have SQUASHED it.
Or maybe, I've simply encouraged people to check their own readily available sources before asking. I've encouraged self reliance. Remember, I gave the references - any person who followed this thread could, when faced with a question in the future, take a quick look through their OW textbook first, and make sure it's not covered in there, and in the process, might reinforce a few more things they happen upon in their research. What exactly is wrong with people making a reasonable effort to help themselves before asking for help? Would it be a tragedy if someone who didn't understand this basic concept actually went and READ A BOOK before turning to the internet (which everyone knows is a font of perfectly factual wisdom) and possibly having to filter through a bunch of Monty Python jokes to get to the truth?
NetDoc:I have no idea if it was your pride, arrogance, impatience, or stupidity that caused you to attack an honest question by an honest seeker.
None of the above. It was my belief that our entire civilization is being slowly eroded by learned helplessness and hypersensitivity. We need to stop encouraging people from abdicating personal initiative, and from curling up sobbing in the corner because someone looked at them the wrong way. I hardly think Andy is traumatized - all in all, I have to say I'm more pleased with his response than yours and many others. He didn't whine or pout - he stood up, owned his ignorance, defended his competence, and, I think, learned something. I'd like to think that Andy will ultimately come away with a stronger knowledge of the concepts involved, and, he DARN sure will retain it.
You know, the funny thing is, Andy actually strove to place himself in an environment for 4 years where, if he'd displayed the same ignorance, he'd be far more put upon by some law professor than I could ever manage.
NetDoc:All I know is that abusing people who ask sincere questions, by either calling them a "troll" or by trying to publically humiliate them is COUNTERPRODUCTIVE.
You SERIOUSLY need to examine the record better before you make accusations like that. I NEVER called him a troll.
I disagreed with others' contention that he was not serious, in AGREEMENT with ANDY'S assertions, and said that what they implied he did would be trolling, and that Andy would not do that.