saltwater taffy once bubbled...
Education is the way to economic freedom...............
I'm not wanting to start something, but at 64k in the hole and going up at a rate of $280 a month, after basic bills and other needs (food, gas, etc.) I'm left very little - no where near enough to even make a dent in the interest monthly. To think, I used to run stone crab traps, worked 3 half (1/2, .5, 50%) days a week, and made roughly the same as I do now (if not more)... now I work 50 hrs a week and hardly have the energy or care to want to do much else when its all said and done. If I had known this would have occured I wouldn't have sold my boats and stopped running traps, but I did and for as long as I can see I'm attached by the neck to the govenments "payback" options. When my son is old enough, I'll be explaining these options to him and hopefully he makes the intelligent choice and either gets a degree thats worth its weight (such as one of the Oceanic ones available through NOVA, UM, or Florida Atlantic where they work with NOAA in pursuit of their degree) or tech school to learn the hard and fast core essentials and not waste time and money on worthless fluff.
I heard the best description of what most colleges are anymore - Degree Mills. Why? Because there were people who aren't even able to write intelligable sentances, do basic algebra, or even meet the minimum requirements for colleges 30 years ago, but now... "sure, anyone can come". I know, I was surrounded by people who I felt I had to dumb down to communicate with. Maybe that was my problem, I didnt have faith enough in myself to try and get into a tougher school (at 19 I wasn't that confident in everything I did or wanted to do). Consequently,I chose the path of least (but highly encouraged) resistance and ended up at a local private college (it was the only one offering a 4yr degree) wasting my time in classes unchallenged by coursework and material, but being assured the whole time that the degree was necessary to get a good respectable job. Game on, guess what.. the job isn't there! Sure, I'm employed, but am I 100% happy? No. Again I am unchallenged, hardly have to think about what I do, and guess what? There isnt much chance to advance. At least while crabbing I had 5.5 other days I could work on other things that interested me! Oh, and I was the boss, and I was at the top, and if I wanted a raise, I would drop another 20 or 30 traps. If I really wanted to work it, I would pull all the traps in a day (instead of in the break down of 1/3, 1/3, 1/3) and rake in the $ heavy one day and be set the rest of the week for a light load. I can't do that now. All that knowlege I "gained" in college, 100% worthless. I've used 0% of it at work.. not even remotely.
Example - 3 economics classes, 2 of them reiterated the 1st one, but it was required. Havent even used it. Economics, Calc., multiple programming classes... haven't even touched it. Speech.. I was used to talking to groups and presenting anyway (I'm also a musician who plays cello, bass, guitar, and mid east rythm), so that class was a breeze; I have yet to present have a challenging presentation in my work place. Hardware, software, operating systems and networking - all useless since it only taught theory; Had I not started my own part time business then going to contracting, I would have been completely ill prepared for the work place. In fact, I learned more in 9 weeks of contracting than I had in the previous 3 years of college. At that point, with 5.5 years behind me, 165 credit hours of time vested, I called it quits to pursue real world options and start making this so called money. Its not there, never will be, and I resent all the lies that put me into the position that I am now, looking at possibly never paying off this debt which is haning over me like a black cloud and growing.
I'm fortunate enough to have chanced into nearly all of my dive gear inexpensively (freebies, inheriting, awesome sale at dive shop, etc.) and that my costs are gas and air. Otherwise something else would have been taken from me by the fallacy of higher educaion.