Was I taken for a ride?????

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I just let a PST LP120 go for only $200. It was less than a year old with VIP due in about a month. I was wondering if that was a fair price but I feel that I should have charged more. It also had an H-Valve with the nice rubber openers. Oh well, hind sight is always 20/20 but I was just wondering others opinions.
Why look back...its gone.
Yeah don't worry about it.....you can't exactly take it back.
How could you have been taken for a ride when you got what you wanted for it?
But what would have been a fair price? What would you have asked?
But what would have been a fair price? What would you have asked?

A fair price is whatever the seller and buyer agree to at that particular time. The real value of something is best determined when several knowledgable, competent buyers are vying for the same item.
I understand that its gone and there is nothing I can do for it. It was a LDS owner who told me that $200 was fair and he sold it for me. I was a trusting individual but my instincts were saying something different. I guess all is fair in business but I will definitely be more informed before next time. It is obviously my fault but I now know and will be more cautious in the future.
I just let a PST LP120 go for only $200. It was less than a year old with VIP due in about a month. I was wondering if that was a fair price but I feel that I should have charged more. It also had an H-Valve with the nice rubber openers. Oh well, hind sight is always 20/20 but I was just wondering others opinions.
Don't feel too bad, I bought 2 al80 used for $100 a piece, and I thought it was a great deal, untill my friend told me you can usually find them for $100 new. Don't dwell too much,it just isn't worth it!!!! :martini: :martini: :martini:

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