LOL! Is *that* who that guy is?
On our first trip to Monterey after our cert dives, we got approached by this guy who asked to dive with us. We were eager to have someone to show us the ropes, so we agreed. However, being FRESH newbies, (still newbies, but at least now have our first twenty dives) we were also still having gear problems (heavy, hot, awkward). He asked us when we were suited up going to the water, so we said we'd meet him in the shallows (it was flat as glass that day). Waited.... waited... after twenty minutes, we see that he is SLOOOWWWWLY pulling on his suit... slowly, etc.. thirty minutes... we're getting annoyed and sunburned, and we say "ten more minutes, and sorry, but f him". So finally, we take off, sans Fred. We were at about 40 feet when Fred comes out of nowhere. I credited him with helping my boyfriend out of a tricky situation, but now I'm wondering!! He grabs Jim, and turns him around. Jim's tank strap was undone with the tank just holding in the loose loop of fabric, and Fred seals it tightly. He then takes my hand (but not Jim's) and he starts to take us out farther. We resisted because by that time, Jim was at 750 psi and we figured we needed to be up soon, not sightseeing. Fred resisted for a second, but we pulled out Jim's gauge and showed him, and he continued on in the other direction sans us. When we got out and he showed up later, we apologized for ditching him in the first place, and he gave us the dive buddy card.
However, two weeks ago, we were at Breakwater, and there he was again. Asked to be our buddy when we were almost geared up. Jim, despite the tank strap thing, was leary of him, and told him nicely, but assertively, that we were heading out before we overheated. He proceeded to park next to us and ask us a bunch of strange questions until we went to the water. Now, I think the idea of people who dive but don't yet have friends who dive asking to join in is actually an awesome one, and I've gotten a couple of "dive buddy" cards from stable, well-balanced people, which I also think is a great idea, but this guy kind of gave me the creeps in general; we wondered how he could be that old, live locally, and be in need of a buddy that often to run into us twice given all the divers, but never imagined he was infamous!!! I'm glad I didn't get my air turned off!!!