Hi folks, first off i'd like to say you have an excellent website with excellent
people on it; the sheer amount of information, tips, advice etc is amazing..
and lotsa postings really helped me alot during the course, esp the mask
clearing tips.. thanks y'all.. I find myself sneaking off to read new forum
posts whenever the boss is not around
I just did my SSI O/W qualification dives over the past weekend (we had a 3 day
long weekend here) & i'm overjoyed to finally be able to join in this wonderful
sport.. it was amazing..! We dived off an island in Malaysia & i managed to see
a hawskbill turtle lounging around the bottom, abt 5-6 pretty large barracudas,
a really large parrotfish & lots of other colorful fishes that i don't really
know what their names are.. now i find myself itching for my next dive..
nice to meet everyone here.. take care
people on it; the sheer amount of information, tips, advice etc is amazing..
and lotsa postings really helped me alot during the course, esp the mask
clearing tips.. thanks y'all.. I find myself sneaking off to read new forum
posts whenever the boss is not around
I just did my SSI O/W qualification dives over the past weekend (we had a 3 day
long weekend here) & i'm overjoyed to finally be able to join in this wonderful
sport.. it was amazing..! We dived off an island in Malaysia & i managed to see
a hawskbill turtle lounging around the bottom, abt 5-6 pretty large barracudas,
a really large parrotfish & lots of other colorful fishes that i don't really
know what their names are.. now i find myself itching for my next dive..
nice to meet everyone here.. take care