Waking up on vacation--how early is too early for a first dive?

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I am not a morning person. I would wake up early on vacation only to dive, otherwise I try to sleep in as much as the kids will let me.

That being said, I don't want to wake up too early either. My last vacation I skipped several dive operations that checked in before 7 am. The boat I did pick checked in at 7 am. If I had to be at the shop to check in at 6 I would definitely find another boat that checked in later.
I hate mornings. I particularly hate getting up any earlier than my body clock wants to wake me (loathe alarms). But that said, when I go to Mexico, which is two hours earlier than we are, I'm generally up by 6 or 6:30 at the latest, and I wouldn't mind going diving then. On the Red Sea liveaboards we did, I think reveille was at 6 or something, and although I was a little muzzy-headed, I got up and went diving. What the lure is makes a big difference. I'll do things to dive that I'll mutter angrily about doing to work :)
I'm not a morning person. I hate getting up early... i love going back to sleep when the alarm goes off... But for diving i'll happily leap out of bed. Why I love liveaboards, I can wake up, have some toast and tea and be in the water before I know it. Liveaboards are my perfect vacation.
I get up about 6 am or so everyday. But, I NEED my pot of coffee and then breakfast before I even think about diving. I've changed resorts because the old resort did not offer anything other than an 8 am 2 tank boat dive. PERIOD. The new resort offers diving at 9 am, 10:30 am, 2 pm and 3:30 pm. I can pick (and pay for) as many or as little diving I want to do.

I too love live aboards, but I could never get ready in time for the first morning dive. It's just the way I'm built I guess!!
I dont care how early I have to wake up if it means I get to go diving!:yeahbaby:
On vacation I really don't want to have to get up any earlier than to make an 8:00 AM dive. If one shop offered 7:00 AM dives and another offered 8:00 or 8:30 dives all else being equal I'd pick the later.
I expect to wake up earlier and go to bed earlier when I am on a dive trip.

In Oct 2011 we stayed at Sipadan Water Village and were waking up at either 0415 or 0430 to dive Sipadan Island the days we were scheduled to. I didn't even wake up that early when I was in the military...it was worth it, to say the least. Unbelievable diving.
a SB'er here had posted of his favorite "night" dive was to go in before sunrise, and be in the water when the reef woke up.....

For me, if it is a charter, they leave the dock at 8:00, and it is 2 hours to get there.... yep, I'm up early for diving....
i have had live-a-board dives where the 10 am dive was much better than the 7 am dive at the same site. i have done 5 am dives but generally prefer 8 - 9 am pick-ups.

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