VT100 this saturday (sept 29th 2007), welcome to join me

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The visibility today for Bedwell bay was pretty good, 5-10 feet laterally and about 10-15 feet vertically. The main thing to watch out for is that the white marker buoy is no longer there. Was still able to locate the wreck on the first try though, pretty happy about that.

Only caught one red rock crab though, he was a big fellow but for three people that is mighty thin pickings. Lots of undersized crabs or females, had two big Dungeness that were both just off by 1mm. Another guy was about 18cm, but he was clasping a female so didn't want to bother him. All in all, as a crab hunt it was pretty dismal but it was a good day of diving.

Had a seal check us out just as we were ending out dive, that was pretty cool.

I didn't take my camera in the end so no pictures, sorry guys.

Second dive, went to Belcarra bay, first time there and didn't know where to go, so just swam straight out and dove around 5m depth, another seal kept following me around. Then I got tagged by a lion mane and decided to call it a day.
I have heard that there is not much left of the VT either. I drove out there one day and was not sure where the entry was. not much room and alot of no parking signage. (and alot of dog doodoo.)
What does it mean to be "tagged by a lion mane"?


He got stung by a jelly fish, ouch. Lion's mane is a jelly fish that has long tentacles that sting. Some tentacles can be as long as 30 feet.

Hopefully the sting was not too bad.
He got stung by a jelly fish, ouch. Lion's mane is a jelly fish that has long tentacles that sting. Some tentacles can be as long as 30 feet.

Hopefully the sting was not too bad.

I am good, I am just a lucky guy I guess. Jelly fish stings don't bother me much. I feel them if I get stung but of the time but I rarely even get a mark. Both side of my face around my mouth was numb for maybe about 4 hours in the afternoon yesterday and that was it. Everybody's different I guess, I still remember one of my friend who was on his last training dive for advance openwater and he got stung. Bolted to the surface and he lost his mask when he ripped it off at the surface. He had red lines everywhere on his face that wasn't covered by the hood or mask. He was complaining of extreme pain and discomfort, unfortunately he nevered finished his advance. Needless to say that was the last time he ever dove, that was a sad sad day for me.
I was hoping you would post something after the dive. I was imagining Crab for dinner so guess I didn't miss much. Also glad to hear you are as picky as I am when it comes to sizing a crab before taking it.

Since the buoy is gone, can you give a bearing to the wreck from the dock you describe in a previous thread?
I was hoping you would post something after the dive. I was imagining Crab for dinner so guess I didn't miss much. Also glad to hear you are as picky as I am when it comes to sizing a crab before taking it.

Since the buoy is gone, can you give a bearing to the wreck from the dock you describe in a previous thread?

The dock is a private one and the owner does not allow people to use it, there is a pad lock on a gate at the top of the stair. It is more of a visual reference for where to park.

Bad news about the bearing, I have a compass for navigation but since I am so familliar with the site I have never shot a bearing with it at VT100 before, I normally just glance at it for a referrence to orientate myself. I am really sorry about that, if I go again I will bring a camera next time and give better directions.

Only visual referrences that I can give you for navigation is at the entry (yellow poly rope tied to a tree on side of road) looking out on the water, to you left is the private dock that I talked about. If you turn right (North), you will see another dock, swin towards that, keep youself about 25-30m from shore, when you are almost to the second dock, descent and head NW on your compass and look around the 50 feet depth.

I am sorry that I can't give you anything better then that. However I do plan on going back later this year, actually want to check out Belcarra bay more but will probably do VT100 first. If you and I can arrange to go dive together, I can take you to the wreck. That is probably the best bet, first hand experience.
Hey Made in Taiwan,

I hope you don't mind me probing but I've been meaning to dive the VT100 for some time now but haven't really had any luck finding anyone who knew any shore references. I've done a lot of diving throughout Indian Arm, (Woodlands, Racoon Island, Crocker Island etc.). Just wondering if you could be a little more specific with the docks that you seem to use as a reference? Are there any other shore references? I was once told about some white rocks does that ring a bell? I'd been heading in by boat, so the road markings don't help that well. I came in once and followed the GPS coordinates given on the internet but they seem to be right on shore, I just assumed that they were wrong and dove another site. Any possible help such as which dock specifically you head out from would be appreciated.
Hey Made in Taiwan,

I hope you don't mind me probing but I've been meaning to dive the VT100 for some time now but haven't really had any luck finding anyone who knew any shore references. I've done a lot of diving throughout Indian Arm, (Woodlands, Racoon Island, Crocker Island etc.). Just wondering if you could be a little more specific with the docks that you seem to use as a reference? Are there any other shore references? I was once told about some white rocks does that ring a bell? I'd been heading in by boat, so the road markings don't help that well. I came in once and followed the GPS coordinates given on the internet but they seem to be right on shore, I just assumed that they were wrong and dove another site. Any possible help such as which dock specifically you head out from would be appreciated.

I am sorry that I can't be anymore specific at this time, like I said, I didn't bring my camera as taking pictures wasn't my priority that day. The only experience that I had with GPS was a few years in the territorial army in Britain. From my experience though, I think unless you have military grade GPS, they are only good for referencing. Nothing beats a good ordanace survey map or charts plus a good compass and the skills to use them. Another thing to consider is that the GPS cordinates that you are using could be in reference to it being a shore dive, then the numbers could be the entry point on shore.

Like I said before, I want to go back sometime this year and soon. Lets talk dates and work something out where everyone can make it, then I will take you and then you will have first hand knowledge of where it is.
keep me posted on a possible day, I might try again and use the coordinates and do a search pattern around the area. Half the fun is in searching for the wreck anyway right?, if I get frustrated I'll let you know.

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