Vr 3

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Is the Nitek a Nitek 3? Are you going to be switching to different mixes underwater? Post a reply on how the two matched up underwater. I was going to buy a Nitek 3 until the VR3 came out with it's upgraded version. Having 10 gases available to use rather than the three allowed by Nitek gave the advantage to the VR3 for me. Have fun diving!
I use three mixtures; bottom mix, travel mix, and 02. I might carry a third stage bottle for a deep stop (making a fourth mix.) I also could reprogram the computer for a "borrowed" mix not planned for, but useful in the event of an emergency. Staged nitrox tanks hung down a line with different mixes for depth would now also be possible. I program the VR3 for only the gasses I carry, but can quickly add a gas underwater. Playing games at deco stops is fun too. I see future advantages being reprogammable through an infra red port and the internet as well.

Technology is increasing at an increasing rate, what a time to be diving!
Hi Merlin,
So are you using travel, bottom and deco gases on dives?

And does your Vr3 record temperature?
I was wondering where you found the 39 degree water here in Puget Sound....
10 gases is not the big reason for me (3-5 is plenty). The three profiles the VR3 has is much more useful. I have one profile setup for just air (teaching, fun diving) another for air and 50% (easy deco dives) and 3rd profile for Trimix, 50% and 100% (deep stuff) If you need any more different gasses than 3-4 you need to rethink your dive plan (but that can be a whole other thread)

Another nice feature was the same computer that I did a deco dive with then can interface with my dolphin. This is great so I can do a dolphin dive for my surface interval between deep deco dives :).

I have found some more info on the Vr3 at www.nobubbles.com this is more for the rebreather part of it but they did use it besides the Abyss Explorer which I thought was very interesting. The Abyss does have modified RGBM algorithm which shortens your deco time over the ZHL algorithm. I would like to see the VR3 have different algorithms to use like the Abyss, heck it sounds like it has a ton of programmability.

Brian Faure
Austin, Texas
Dive World
Originally posted by BFaure
I have just recieved my VR3 (closed circuit - trimix version) this last weekend and have done a few dives with it (none deco or with gas switches yet). I have a few ideas that they need to add to improve the computer (I am talking to OMS each day about it):

1. Need a better menu to adjust the altitude, I have not figured out that screen yet.
2. Audio alarms set by MOD for gas switch (and a way to disable)
3. Audio alarms set for ascent speeds (and a way to disable)
4. A way to have time setup in AM/PM mode.
5. What is the "care and feeding" of the rebreather port.
6. What does the dolphin interface look like...(I got two of them)

I have liked the computer so far, yes it is not DIR but there is some good reason to why I got it. I teach openwater just about every weekend, so when I do a deco dive (I am a TDI deco and advanced Nitrox diver also) with my tables (I use decoplanner) I am then stuck with table for days. This is very hard to do tables while teaching since dive planning with openwater students during a checkout is a joke.

So what I am planning on doing it use the dive planning mode on the VR3 before a deco dive and write down the stop on my wet notes. I have found out over a few nights of testing that the VR3 is more "Conservative" than decoplanner. I am sure it is due to the possiblity that the VR3 uses ZHL16C and decoplanner is ZHL16B. I do like that they have added microbubble stops, but I would like to get info on which algorithm they are using for that.

I most likely will have more to talk about but this is all that comes to mind...:)

Brian Faure
Austin, Texas
Dive World

The micro bubble stops is a problem, they can't be disabled! You might ask why you would do this, there are dives where you might be at depth for some time incurring a considerable deco obligation, you proceed shallower, and reach the "stop" this is ok for open water but if you are in an overhead enviroment you may go deeper again(due to exit layout), or you may not be able to stop at the required, but still would be ok otherwise based on standard profiles. The vr3 severely penalizes you,and if your return course is a zig zag profile (where none would have been a violation of conventional tables) the computer decides it cant hande it and you get the dreaded "use tables" message.
It is a Nitek 3 I will be taking as backup - but this is a loaner as we did not think the VR3 would arrive in time. The reason for still taking it is that the VR3 has not been in the water yet - in my experience if technology breaks it is usually the first time you use it not the umpteenth - plus there are no spares where I'm going.....

Not sure the game will keep me entertained too long - maybe my 5 year old nephew who is into Octupus at the moment!

I'll let you know how I get on when I get back.

Good point, I am not a cave diver and do not plan to be. But I would agree that having something in the setup screen to turn off microbubbles would be nice.

I have also noticed that when the computer is "reworking" tables after bailout change or something outside of the selected gases it just sits there with the wrong info for about 20 seconds. Even the owners manual states you need to wait. I think the computer needs the values that it is working on to flash to let you know it is working on a update.

Brian Faure
Austin, Texas
Dive World

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