Visual experation date

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Danville CA
I tried to search this but had no luck.
Several of my steel tanks visual end in october.
Does that mean at the beginning of the month or at the end of the month?
2 shops told me it meant at the end of the month one said it meant at the beginning.
They are in current hydro and look great.
I don't have any problem getting it done but last week on vacation one shop RUDELY refused.
What's the real deal?
I'll drop them off tomarrow but I just want to know.
I tried to search this but had no luck.
Several of my steel tanks visual end in october.
Does that mean at the beginning of the month or at the end of the month?
2 shops told me it meant at the end of the month one said it meant at the beginning.
They are in current hydro and look great.
I don't have any problem getting it done but last week on vacation one shop RUDELY refused.
What's the real deal?
I'll drop them off tomarrow but I just want to know.

The reality is there is no US law/regulation requiring a visual inspection -- its a standard business practice within the scuba industry to protect the person filling the cylinder. In the US, the DOT mandates a hydro test every 5 years.

My shop allows the visual to be good THROUGH the month.
PSI recommends that the visual should "expire" at the beginning of the month.

For hydro the date is good to the end of the month according to the DOT's Chief of Exemptions and Regulations Terminations.
If you have documentation of the exact date of the prior test (whether visual or hydro), then I would allow for the expiration on that date in the apprpriate year. Otherwise, I would state the expiration is on the first date of the indicated month.

In the USA, there is no requirement for annual visuals for most cylinders. Some of the newer hoop-wrapped fiberglass cylinders do require an annual visual by a PSI trained inspector (per CFR codes).
Drew Sailbum:
If you have documentation of the exact date of the prior test (whether visual or hydro), then I would allow for the expiration on that date in the apprpriate year. Otherwise, I would state the expiration is on the first date of the indicated month.

I've seen this policy at more and more dive shops. Since the visual is not a legal requirement, but a dive industry "standard", and that shops are now enforcing a strict interpretation of at least once a year. i.e. expire on 1st of month since they have no idea what day of the month it was inspected in the preceeding year. Just how hard would it be to add two more columns to "punch out" on the visual inspection sticker so they would know what day of the month it was inspected? (0,1,2,3) and (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
Come on... you could get a 13 month visual the FIRST year, but after that, you'd get no more than 12. Unless you get a visual on 1/1/00, then 2/1/01, then 3/1/02, etc. But all it would take is for the inspection to cost 10% more if the tank to be inspected had an "expired visual" to make this practice financially moot.

Hmm.. if you take a cylinder in on the last day of the month and the shop can't actually do the visual until the first day of the month, then you might have something. (but is it really worth the hassle?!)

Ontario Diver:
It is assumed to be the first day of the month just like a hydro test.

You and I seem to be posting differing information :06: Is there a difference between TC and DOT?

The information I have indicates that DOT's position is that the hydrostatic requalification is good through the last day of the month.

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