Violating a Site's Terms of Service Is a Crime

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Deplorable American
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So, what do you forum folks think about this?? :D :popcorn:

From Slashdot (Slashdot: News for nerds, stuff that matters) Nov 15: DOJ: Violating a Site's ToS Is a Crime - Slashdot

DOJ: Violating a Site's ToS Is a Crime

"CNET has obtained a statement [1] to be released by the Department of Justice tomorrow defending its broad interpretation of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA)[2] that defines violations of "authorized access" in information systems as including any act that violates a Web site's terms of service, while the White House is arguing for expanding the law even further. [3] This would criminalize teenagers using Google for violating its ToS, which says you can't use its services if "you are not of legal age to form a binding contract," and turns multiple attempts to upload copyrighted videos to YouTube into "a pattern of racketeering" according to a GWU professor and an attorney cited in the story."


[1] DOJ: Lying on needs to be a crime | Privacy Inc. - CNET News

[2] Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) - Internet Law Treatise

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Well, I guess it's time to start that off-shore-based proxy anonymizer company that I been thinking about... My fees will be reasonable...until the law passes! :cool2:
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Sometimes you need to tip-toe through the foolish to get a clearer understanding of where good sense begins and ends.
Wow. So does that means you can go to jail if you WSOP all over a thread in the Basic SCUBA section?
The intent is to hold people accountable for actions on the Internet for which they would also be accountable in person.

Fraud, copyright infringement, libel, bullying, etc.

Unfortunately, if the White House (or any other liberals!) get involved, you have a huge chance of abuse. :shakehead:
Another effing double post!!! What the HELL is going on with SB, that the formatting is gone and the icons don't work?!?!?!
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I wonder where this administration sits with respect to posting too many spare air threads? And split fin threads. I bet PADI bashing will become a crime worthy of the death sentence.

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