Samuel Mather, august 1978
I was in town with my mom and at the elks club, and I just got my tanks filled, we were having lunch there, and a diver seen our tanks in the back of the jeep, and said he new where a new shipwreck was, if we had a boat. Well he did not really know, but when he showed up, to take us to the vacinity, My mother asked how he knew, he said bob smith found it, mom called Mr zebelka, at the marina down the road, and he called bob up for location, or some one he knew. So we took off and found it, being close to shipping lanes, was an easier find. Now this diver, said it was in 55' of water, no it was 155' of water, and the bottom more like 185'. Dan was the divers name, and when the anchor took so much rope, my mom did not like that, and said I could not leave the anchor line once I got down. I had my wreck dive tanks, al 50's doubled up, at 13 years old thats alot of air, and the last time I dove them it was alot of air, of course I pump them ta 3500, there 1973 tanks.
Once down there My light did not glow that far, dans light was brighter, we spent like 5 mins about 10' from line with visibilty of like close to 40', I could not get his attention to come back with my light, and knew I had to go release the anchor line. he slowly faded as he keeped going. the anchor line was not tight so I knew it needed to be released, so I went to the bottom, and boy did I get rapture of the deep. Now the anchor was going up quickly, and as I was leaving this huge wooden ship, it had a mast still on it, and dan was comming up it, I could see his light, as I waved my light to get his attention, he left the mast and was trying to catch me. The motors shut off, and we hung on for a while and slowly came up, when we could see the bottom of the boat, we just hung out with the line, cause of the line on the bow and the waves it would go up and down 3' ta 6'. Once on board, dan had a beer, and ma let me have one also, for I was one of the first divers to dive this old steamer. Me and dan dove it and a few others that month, and dan never come back after that. He was an older fella, probably dead bye now.
Samuel Mather was a great dive for where we lived, it was reachable with our boat. When we did whitefish point wrecks, we would go to the boat ramp at whitefish point.
Now with all the dir divers and there configurations, we had so simular gear also at are prehistoric time. look at my aquarius reg with strap
, and then I had the other with a strap for around neck
. and this was my wreck dive doubles set up. And since got them out, Here is my mk7 scuba pro set up
And here is my old royal aquamaster, since I have drug out the vintage regs, I should get new hoses and start diving this thing, with a ser num of 4199
Happy Diving