TomR1:New divers using dive knives fills me with dread.
You may have seen where the diver release form does not release the instructor from incompetence.
Rusty may be gone without our help.
No wonder Tom has issues with music...he was born in 1941 and his interests are backpacking a bridge....must be an exciting lifestyle you're leading with those interests. Not to take it to a personal issue with you Tom, but you guys have to understand that as I read the various posts I am really sitting back, as my peers are and laughing at you and the threads. I am sure this will develop another fifty threads or so, but there has to be something more interesting then dead urchins or playing with the angel sharks. I have a cool video of a female instructor that was sent to me shooting a lingcod. I can post that for ya! I agree the ocean has limited resources. I, nor my associates waste or abuse the marine life....and my choice of music with the videos shows the excitement that most new divers feel. I would wager with you that a majority of SoCal instructors, while at our Islands, open a sea urchin up to bring the fish in. Understand, that we are careful not to do it in an invertebrate protected area. This action makes the dive exciting and very interested for the new divers. Thanks for your time and I do appreciate the hate mail