Actually, the West Coast DIR folks post a lot of trip and dive reports, from the Fundamentals level on up, but they don't much do it here. I'm as guilty as anybody -- I tend to post in our little, local forum instead.
Many of us have been posting "DIR" trip reports over on DiveMatrix, but with the revival of the SoCal DIR section here on SB (SoCal DIR - ScubaBoard), a few of us local to that area have been posting trip reports there as well.
Earlier this year I remember Lynne commenting that she felt less desire to post her own reports since she wasn't getting many responses (though plenty of views). It's true, and as Nick also commented, if you aren't seeing a community response to taking the time to post trip/class reports, photos, or videos, you'll eventually stop bothering. Since then, I've made a more concerted effort to show my appreciation when others share their diving experiences on the various boards. Even a simple "thank you" will probably bring more people out of the woodwork, and then Brian won't have to complain about all these Fundies class reports.

I also do think Nick has a point: it's much more fun to talk about diving in general than to worry about its DIRness. That said, I do think there's value in gently highlighting the DIR aspect since positive exposure is likely to help grow the community.