Can we agree that this exchange of opinions have lead to some interesting new threads about some really cool dives. Threads which no doubt are much more interesting to the "old timers" than us newbie's banter about Fundies excuses
I think it would be nice if in the end this thread and the viewpoints expressed here would lead to a bit more activity in the DIR forum - hopefully with topics to entertain and educate both newbies and old timers.
My latest DIR/GUE epiphany is how selecting the *exact* right bolt snap size makes clipping *so* much easier. More threads of that nature would be useful to me, and agonizingly boring to experienced divers. The advanced dive threads might help keep the old-timers around without keeling over from boredomThese dive threads might also encourage and inspire me and other newbies to further our skills and training.
I currently don't think I'll be doing "big" dives like that, but the threads *do* make me want to continue to build my skill level.
So ... truce ...?
Balance is always good.