Victoria Vis conditions?

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20+ feet @ Wain Rock, 12-15 feet @ Shute Rock, and a side note...I am never diving in a wet suit again in JANUARY!

Over the years I always found that if you are diving the Saanich inlet or just outside (Arbutus Island) and the weather has been windy the viz will be crap. The viz will be a lot better if you move inside the inlet. Dive like Henderson PT, Willis PT, Senanus Island should be a lot better. If you go even deeper in the inlet Xmas PT, McCurdy PT and the White Lady the viz should be very good at this time of the year. Anyway I hope so, I will be diving at Willis PT tomorrow.

Wet suit never heard of it:D


I hear it's 200+ in Chac Mool. I'll let you know tuesday :D
Hasta La Vista Baby.
I hear it's 200+ in Chac Mool. I'll let you know tuesday :D
Hasta La Vista Baby.

Cool, have a good trip and have fun diving those crystal clear caves.
Take some pictures if you can. Maybe one day I have the $$ to join you guys for some great cave diving. Say Hi to Ron and Aaron for me.
I will be diving in Hawaii next month, so you don't have to feel bad for Al:D


Went to the breakwater for the eels on Saturday, 15' viz, but I saw only one male. I was in the right spot, the rail, and the big square block, but when I looked in the regular dens where I used to see a pair at least, there were these skulls, I don't know what wolf eel skulls look like, but I was worried something ate them. Any one been out there recently?

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