Vet's Sunday (11/23) afternoon

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Reaction score
San Pedro, CA
# of dives
200 - 499
I'm making two dives at White Point Sunday morning....afterwards, my husband is going to Vet's to meet up some free divers to practice. So I was wondering if anyone would be interested in making a dive at Vet's sometime in the early afternoon. Let me know if you're interested! :D
I was thinking of heading to White Point Sunday. I might be willing to join you for a dive afterwards at Vets. Would have to stop by Dive n Surf first for air though, I'm guessing you would also?
Yep, I'll have to stop by and get a fill as well. I'm diving wet at White Point and will probably dive dry at Vet' as long as you're a little patient with me, we'll be all good! :D

We can nail down the details on Sunday, unless someone else (who will not be at White Point as well) is interested, in which case, we can set some more definite plans before then!
That would be perfect actually. I am gonna try and get a weightbelt and crotch strap tomorrow afternoon and was gonna try and get things adjusted and situated and try and get my harness and stuff fitting me better so a relaxing "test dive" would be great.
Sounds great, it will be a nice relaxing'll get your bp/w all dialed in, and I'll work on controlling my floaty feet! Anyone else who wants to join us for a nice relaxing dive is more than welcome....but be warned: if you are a speed demon, you'll probably be diving solo!
Jamie and I did Vets this morning. Was a nice day and fairly calm. Viz was only about 15' but acceptable. Were some pretty nice sized octopuses hanging out around the "reef". Largest I've personally seen. Plus there's a new addition to it. Someone took a toilet bowl out there, complete with the rear tank lol. I can't imagine the logistics of getting that there. I was laughing when I first saw it picturing a group of divers entering with fins' mask, and toilet!
Dette and I found kelp yesterday.....KELP at VET'S!!!! How insane is that?

Do you remember where the toilet is? We should find it again tomorrow....and search for a bunch of octos as well! :D
Wow you guys suck, looks like everyone will be underwater at White Point while I'll be 35,000ft over Alabama. Damn you all! Seriously though have some great dives tomorrow, sounds like conditions have kicked @ss the entire week I've been out of so-cal, how typical. :mooner:

Wow you guys suck, looks like everyone will be underwater at White Point while I'll be 35,000ft over Alabama. Damn you all! Seriously though have some great dives tomorrow, sounds like conditions have kicked @ss the entire week I've been out of so-cal, how typical. :mooner:


Is that not how it always goes...... your out of town and Viz is awesome and come back and it will be crap....

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